Veilo7 wrote: My first post, my obsession is animals, It always has been, I will randomly research any animal I know of when I get bored, and if I see or hear about an animal I don't know much about I research it ASAP. I have had many pets and currently house two tiger salamanders ambystoma tigrinum and a spiny soft-shell turtle, I catch animals all the time, I am soon to attend college for equine science horses, the. After these two years attend a four year college and get a zoology degree.
As a child I was always watching Steve irwin and Jeff corwin.
Catching animals is almost an instinct for me, I don't really think about it I don't usually get bitten or any thing, I have picked up a venomous snake or two, frogs, spiders you name it even an amphiuma, if I've seen it within five feet you can almost bet I've picked it up, I caught and tamed a squirrel in high school this week I caught a bat, not the first, I've even grabbed a bat in mid flight, now I do want to say here that I am not in any way harming an animal, I spend hours researching how to care for any animal I house, and I do not harm animals, except fish, I do enjoy angling and eating fish. I simply didn't want you to think I was hurting the animals I care so much about.
Also many people find my statements...unrealistic, however I am more than happy to post a photo or two, as a matter of fact I post many pictures of the animals I catch on a social networking site so now I try to take pictures of them as often as possible
I welcome questions I love talking about animals and researching them well this is my first post
So hello i suppose