Magical Pattern Auspie
Nope, I'm quite the baby. Always knew I was an oddball, but never had a name for it until recently.
Indeed, it's not easy. I was a very hard case. Most girls like massages and having their shoulders rubbed. It makes my skin crawl. I think maybe one good rule of thumb is not pretend. Downplay, possibly, but don't pretend. Also applies to the level of flirting. Show interest, but not obsession. (Until you get to that juicy stage of the relationship when they enjoy the obsession and infatuation.) Too bad we can't just do most of our talking with our prospective mates on forums. A lot of you Aspies on the prowl seem pretty likeable to me and have good foundations to build on.
After one of my little recent adventures, one good piece of advice I can give you now is to pay close attention to your potential in-laws. I know we naturally have trouble reading people, or are too dang determined/obsessive to be safe, but if you see signs of meddling, controlling, manipulation, or other red flags, address them with your partner then. Be nice about it, but don't be afraid about how potentially embarrassed or upset they get about you pointing it out. They may be worth the headache of however bad their parents are, but be as informed as you possibly can about what you're getting in to. There's an old saying about how you don't marry the person, you marry the family. It's got a bit of truth to that. If those problems are too severe, you could end up divorced or they end up estranged depending on how hard your mate tries to keep peace between you. It probably wouldn't hurt if I start a thread on that soon, that's a very important step in the long-term relationship process...
Hi AshSkyler I agree with you totally, keep things light on the flirting, try to sort family stuff early, with all the cards on the table, I tried to do that with my ex but she wouldn't put her deal brakers and family stuff on the table, even when I asked, I should have walked away earlier she wasn't playing fair, a very bad sign.
On the being my self thing, that is more difficult I feel like I need to compensate for my natural lack of auspie charm and affection. And I feel there is some obligation to do ones best to make the other person happy. Perhaps if I do some of these things long enough they will become part of me, it has seemed to work that way with some other things?