thanks drives home what I've read. This is a long-distance and so far, a 'careful thang' on both of our sides, and I leave tomorrow for a visit after 2 months, and when I first started thinking that my interest may be an Aspie. But much more openness on a number of (long....1-2 hour) phone calls, and while he also lives with his 2 co-workers, he has also grabbed the phone-football and gone to a back room when I call, vs in the past only talking a little. I hope to have a talk on where we both are in this next visit, and you had a great reminder (ie, bring from the back of my brain to the FRONT) to tell him how I feel and what I would like in future (vs only talking about "the now")
LOL.....I can read and read and learn and learn, and it still takes a reminder to think or say something else.
I've said it before, but this forum is something that any person should have, not just someone on or with someone on the Aspie spectrum
(I almost hit send, but it triggered a memory....I played pro tennis, and was good. But I kept a little sheet of paper in my racquet bag that reminded me to always step forward and to "go get" the ball instead of it coming to me. Ya, on 'that' level, I still needed a reminder, because when pressure hits, I guess for all and any of us, the brain shuts down.....)
thanks y'all...Kylie