Oh a number of things but I'll keep it to a short list rather than go into full detail, and this isn't in any specific order. This is mostly on my father though as my mother was the more chill one.
1. Tried to better understand my Asperger's/Autism instead of just working with what he already knew about it which was outdated, or just plain ol stereotypes.
2. Looked into getting me help during middle/high school instead of just pinning all the blame for my struggles on me, ala "You're just being lazy! You need to study more/harder!"

3. Not given me such high expectations for school in the first place and been more okay with grades lower than A or B, mostly the former though.
4. Not gone so hard on telling me that I'll be judged and that I need to be mindful of x, y, z or else I'll be judged and "You don't want that do you?", I have a deep seated fear of judgment because of that.
5. As an addendum of sorts to 3. not forced certain things on me, like starting me off in middle school as an honors student when I said I didn't want that, and also choosing my band instrument for me (Alto Sax, I wanted the Mini Tuba but "That's too dorky!"), as a couple of examples.
6. Maybe not told me the circumstances of my adoption, or at the very least not told me until I was old enough to properly understand and process it. Long story short I was told that I was adopted because my adoptive parent's triplets didn't make it to term, which expedited their decision to adopt me/allowed them as now there was "an opening".
If they hadn't told me this at too young an age my anxiety probably wouldn't have gone through the roof when my little brother was born, because essentially I was worried I wouldn't be wanted anymore and can you blame young me when I was told