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what is genius, how do we measure it?

I think real genius like prime numbers are very rare you might get a few close together and as our knowledge base grows they get more difficult to find.
I think real genius like prime numbers are very rare you might get a few close together and as our knowledge base grows they get more difficult to find.

Good point. Making me wonder if it's more likely for real genius in today's world to reflect one who is so "ahead of the curve" that it may be impractical to measure.
EInstein was that guy a hundred years ago, at the time he was considered to be hundreds of years a head of his time. a hundred years latter, they were right.
Einstein died in 1955. He was married to his first cousin. After he immigrated to the US, he lived at Fort Detrick, Maryland, a few doors down from my grandfather and collaborated with the US military. My grandfather was medical doctor and Army colonel, fluent in German. After WWII, he remained in the military for awhile working on various military medical experiments, including the use of LSD on unsuspecting people. (Not something my family brags about!) He personally knew Einstein and his wife, and liked to tell the story that he saw Einstein digging holes in the backyard in the middle of night on several occasions. No one knows why he was digging holes, but it is an interesting story.
I was born in1955, my thing common.
to measure something you need a way of quanifing it, I got some more ideas on my bike today. eor a start if you want a probability, multiply the various probabilities together
Factor :1 level of education in chosen field. what percent of the population has this level of education.
Factor2: Intelligence since IQ is currently the best measure we have again percent of population at that level will do.
Factor 3: Apptitude for subject of interest percent of population. again
You can pick as many factors as you like Similar to Drake equation. I would throw in Myers Biggs for example. the more factors the more exclusive. does not take much
The ancient Mayans figured out a heck of a lot about astronomy with no "education" or telescopes. They also were one of the earliest peoples to develop a written language. It's totally feasible for sharecroppers or other people lacking conventional education to have brilliant minds.
We have no idea how ancient people educated themselves, probably similar to Europe certain trades taught to apprentices. the scientific method was the big epithany in western culture.which then lead to formal education.
I'm currently watching Great Course lectures, on information theory. One person stands out as a genius, Claude Shannon, worked at Bell labs surrounded, by many very bright educated people. What made him different, is mainly the ability to made connections between things no one else could. He could see connections irrespective of others education or intelligence. If something is to be taught it first needs to be discovered. This seems to be the key ingredient to what makes a genius. For Einstein it was the ability to see connections, same for Tesla a rare ability many on this site have. Combine it with education and Intelligence and the right circumstances gives you a potential genius. Aptitude for the subject matter helps also, a physics genius will not turn into a music genius.
I have lately seen some studies have been done that correlate inteligence with blood type the correlation on this particular study was 0.98, very high the sample size may have been to small the draw too many conclusions. if we had a list of peoples blood types and I Q's, in pairs hypothesis testing could be easily be done even after weighing the numbers . using the information I just provide, Just a matter of collecting the number pairs. If the results were plotted inaccurate or outlier results can easily be picked out.

A 42 %
B 31%
AB 5%
RH - 15%


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I have lately seen some studies have been done that correlate inteligence with blood type the correlation on this particular study was 0.98, very high the sample size may have been to small the draw too many conclusions. if we had a list of peoples blood types and I Q's, in pairs hypothesis testing could be easily be done even after weighing the numbers . using the information I just provide, Just a matter of collecting the number pairs. If the results were plotted inaccurate or outlier results can easily be picked out.

A 42 %
B 31%
AB 5%
RH - 15%

What about O? It's not looking good for me...
Ronald - Isn't it true that IQ fluctuates throughout life? And isn't it true that blood types are clustered by ethnicity and race? I'm lost as to what point you are trying to make. Are you trying to prove that certain ethnicities are smarter than others? Similar to your investigation of the prevalence of covid among various ethnicities and blood types?
done in aI am just reading some studies and trying to make sense of it. Study was blood type vs intelligence done in a japanese university using sampling of GPA of some of the students.
I'm not a big believer in IQ I stated some of my ideas on what some of the flaws I see in other posts, I have analogies based on my career working with colour. As far as Covid is concerned I like real life puzzles no different then determining how the universe works. I have a very active mind and see connections between various things all the time I had a stroke coincidently about the same time that covid started. At first my hypothisis was that I had caught Covid my type of stroke seemed follow how covid presented at that time. This an interesting puzzle, seems to have a genetic basis, correlated loosely too blood type. I am learning a lot about blood type as it relates to our immune system.
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Evert time I go on the internet and read about Einstein people complain usually highly educated in math or physics who claim he could not be a genius because so and so mathematician or physicist who lived at the same time brighter than he was could have made the same connection if only. Einstein was a genius because he made the connection every thing else is 20 twenty hindsight site.
Tesla was no genius, just a Electrical engineering dropout, bright, but with the ability to visualize an ability some of us Apies have, but does not make you a genius. Sort of the one eyed person in the land of the blind is Ruler, sure helps if your a bit brighter than the other blind guys. Now I get Einstein's retort to a reporter, are you the worlds smartest person, he replied ask Tesla. Cannot believe I missed that one, all these years! Einstein had a good sense of humour. I would call this a triple entendre.
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I have meet a number of bright people over the years, amazes me they cannot see what I see even when it is obvious. We can spot each other though, not so magical after all. A few of us on this site have this ability we are the ones that confound the engineers on processes, using no math or advanced physics, yet can fix the process leaving them scratching their heads. When I was working I could easily visualize the whole process in my head pick out weaknesses. make a few adjustments fix it, then glow in being viewed as a genius. obviously you do need enough education the back up your insights.
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Just started watching a great courses on genius, the second course I purchased. Very informative, one of my special interests.
I just watched the documentary "Get back" made when I was 14 years old, released 40 years latter, really bought back memories. Then when up stairs and watched my latest lecture on genius, see was discussing how genius could be collaborative, talk about serendipity. my latest obsession is the roots of Rock
as music as we were both conceived at the same time April of 1954.
Reintroduced my wife to the band "canned heat" she was nine when they got thier big hit.
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Watching a DVD on Classical Physics, Newton was a genius, starting to realize it is more than IQ
no correlation, between the two Newton brighter than Einstein. I Q is all about mental intensity or in physics terms power. Both were geniuses. A better analogy would be some thing I am more familiar with, intensity see colour Chroma.
I agree that intelligence is not iq based. Mine is high, but I'm still classed a level 3, minimally speaking, and people think based on that, I must be completely incompetent. Meanwhile, I have published a book, graduated 2 years early and in a fast track master's. I didn't used to be very good at math, but after my tbi, I actually started to understand it and now am relatively good at it. In any case, I used to work with a girl who always appeared really....unintelligent. She would tell every customer she didn't know the answer to any question and send them to someone else. And I started to think, either this girl is realllllly dull or an absolute genius. Turns out she was the latter. :)

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