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What is your "Aspie Superpowers"?

I think I would describe mine as the same as other people here. Observing people my whole life has given me a lot of insight into ways of deducing their behavior rationally that most people don't need to do. I notice the type of things most people don't pay attention to (for example, I like reading signs, names, words and figure out their meanings and origins).

People in the past have valued me for how I can quickly, logically, and with emotional detachment make decisions, even the toughest of choices. I'd probably be a good candidate for a general :p.
I could see the dust and things from a further distance and I could spot a McDonalds a mile off. lol But, yes, objects that I would look at was more grainy and the grains were all moving with speed. It's been so long I had forgotten until recently.
Dang. Like you could almost see their atoms! :-)
I am ambi-brained. I use the left and right side of my brain equally, which allows me to comprehend all points of view simultaneously. I would be hired for a technical position but soon end up transferred to a new postion with the title"coordinator" because I was the only one who could translate between lay people and technical gurus and get everyone who wants to understand on the same page. As a project coordinator, I was very organised and detail oriented. I would always get the job done, done right, done on time, done within budget. Then I would be fired because there's always three sides to every story - his side, her side and the TRUTH. I can agree and disagree with good and bad points on each side but then I land squarely in the middle of the truth, just call me Switzerland. Nobody liked me as Switzerland.

I'm somewhat ambi-dextrous too. I can write crappy with either hand.
Nothing really. Anything I'm good at, which can be mistaken and some sort of natural ability is really just something I spend a lot of time at.

People often mistake specialized knowledge for innate knowledge. Lots of people know all sorts of things about TV for example which I would have little to no idea about. Some have entire lists of celebrities memorized. They don't see anything unusual or unique about this. It can even be considered common knowledge.

I know a lot about certain things which are not considered common knowledge but require a similar attention to detail. If someone were to devote as much energy to, let's say interpreting statistics as they do watching TV, they would likely get pretty good at it.
I sometimes think my super power is being incredibly empathic. Sometimes I feel I hold the cure to the division of planet earth :tearsofjoy: But nope I just get depressed ad cry over every sad thing I see lol.
I see how systems can be used or abused. Give me any system of rules (board games, math, programming, corporate rules, state regulations, etc) and I will find every possible application of the rules , including ways to cheat the system.

That's my lesser power. My main power is that I can speak nonstop about a single topic in such detail that at work I actually put a lawyer to sleep once.
I'm not sure if I have one. I can eat a lot? People sometimes tell me I'm smart but I'm in some areas I'm quite stupid.
I can tell if someone is lustful or jealous. I am usually fragile so I will feel unwanted vibrations if someone is in pain.
I'm not sure if I have one. I can eat a lot? People sometimes tell me I'm smart but I'm in some areas I'm quite stupid.

Can you eat a lot without upping your poundage? That would be a superpower.

That's exactly what the company VP said when she fired me, "For someone so smart, YOU'RE SO STUPID! I'm firing you and hiring my friend Nancy." I was so intent on doing an excellent job making her and the rest of the company millions that I didn't see that coming. I should have been doing the 2 hour lunches with her and Nancy and the cool kids but then nobody would have gotten paid.
Like @SusanLR I remember when I was a kid I used to think I could see atoms because everything I looked at seemed to be made up of tiny moving particles. No idea what that was, but glad my vision is not quite as good as it used to be. lol

Ooo, I still have this! Yes fast moving grainy partials.

My eyes also seem to reorganize these ‘particles’ without disturbing the overall images, like for example everything will be made up of minute tightly packed buzzing sunflowers.. my eyes are always looking for patterns, constantly I have flashing outlines of patterns which light up in what I’m looking at.. large and in detail.

Iv also always seen little golden lights dancing, mostly if I look at the sky. These are a bit like seeing stars but there are allot more of them, they are more three dimensional in their spacing and they last as long as I look. Sometimes I fancy I’m seeing some undiscovered particle.. if I’m feeling indulgent.
Does anyone else get this?
Ooo, I still have this! Yes fast moving grainy partials.

My eyes also seem to reorganize these ‘particles’ without disturbing the overall images, like for example everything will be made up of minute tightly packed buzzing sunflowers.. my eyes are always looking for patterns, constantly I have flashing outlines of patterns which light up in what I’m looking at.. large and in detail.

Iv also always seen little golden lights dancing, mostly if I look at the sky. These are a bit like seeing stars but there are allot more of them, they are more three dimensional in their spacing and they last as long as I look. Sometimes I fancy I’m seeing some undiscovered particle.. if I’m feeling indulgent.
Does anyone else get this?
So glad I'm not the only one. And, yes, the patterns and changing the pattern outlines. But I never turned the particles into sunflowers. :) If you ever figure out what this is, let me know. :)
So glad I'm not the only one. And, yes, the patterns and changing the pattern outlines. But I never turned the particles into sunflowers. :) If you ever figure out what this is, let me know. :)

It’s possible the moving particles is connected to derealization. I’m not sure.
Does anyone else get this?

I get the little particles thing (I just tested it by staring at the wall, haha!). Seems to be most evident if I'm looking at something relatively monochrome & homogenous. I thought this happened to everyone though...

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