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What is your "Aspie Superpowers"?

- I’m good at solving problems, because I like to take a problem into pieces , whether physically or mentally and remove the emotional part from it. And I’m creative, so I usually find a solution in a way most people would not.

On the negative side, it makes me very upset if I can’t solve a problem.

- I come up with great ideas and solutions when under pressure.

- I don’t know if this one is a superpower or just a coping mechanism but I can “see inside” people. But it works better with children because grown ups tend to hide their true feelings and fake so much. It’s like whenever I observe someone, I kind of “see” what’s his/her story, why s/he’s acting the way s/he is etc. it’s like I automatically run a full analytical scan on people I meet/observe. I might not “sense” what people are feeling, but according to their behavior and all the small details I work it out pretty quick.

- I’m immune to salesmen. And all other types of brainwashing.
I don't know about the whole "superpowers" thing, but I think my being aspie has helped me be creative and imaginative with my crafts and artwork without needing to use hallucinogenic street drugs, ha ha.:laughing:
If you ever figure out what this is, let me know. :)

I get the little particles thing (I just tested it by staring at the wall, haha!). Seems to be most evident if I'm looking at something relatively monochrome & homogenous. I thought this happened to everyone though...

Visual snow syndrome :confused:o_O:cool:;)


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mhh.. my aspie superpower is that I talk and write so fast and I also remember things that others just don't care about. :D
I kind of have a "sixth sense" of predicting when stuff will go wrong in my life, and more often than not I'm right.

I also turn into the Incredible Hulk when I'm angry, well except the clothes ripping and turning green of course, I just get about a foot taller and swear like a certain Irish cross dresser.
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I know this is an old thread, but I thought of one: I have a tendency to absorb new information really easily, plus know how to apply it when the time is right. I wouldn't be surprised if, in another life, I was a P.I.

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