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What is Your Pet Doing Right Now?

Bella, Zoey, our calico kittens less than year old: Bella last seen staring at a torn napkin, Zoey last seen attacking a window.
Making silly noises because he thinks his ball is trapped. If he'd bothered to look around there are five others that are not trapped.

Daft dog.
Caught snuggling.
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Cleaning out a peanut butter jar (supervised to make sure he isn’t chewing it too much).


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My cat has just reluctantly given up asking for treats. He knows I struggle to resist when he makes those big eyes and tries to look as pretty as possible. I resisted...this time! :smileycat:
Finally got some nice portraits of my new guy!

It's important to note that neither of these collars hurt him. I only use an E-collar on the "vibrate" setting, and it's because he is aggressive and territorial with strangers and needs more than just a verbal "knock it off!"


Catching leaves...

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