I always though Lennon was the coolest, but maybe he was just the most brash and outspoken, I think Harrison might actually be the most balanced one. Paul is good, a bit big headed, but good nature d, and Ringo is down to earth, have a laff type. But Harrison, stance always perplexed me, he was like a rebel amongst a generation of rebels.
I always used to think he had is head int he clouds, certainly the most spiritual, Certainly the biggest heart. Introverted too, might have even had ASD.
The 60's zeitgeist, Ii was heavy into that at one point, it's one of my favourite periods in music. This song is all about the universal mind, expanding consciousness, mystic states, I remember he said something about lsd, how it wasnt necessary, and I think was tight, its basically a cheat code, I understand more what he was saying now. Though at the time, I heard him say this years ago, I though well thats just Harrison being square and contrarian, trashing the hippies. But its well known some substances can really be nightmarish and damaging. So I think it was actually quite wise judgment on Harrison part. I'm starting to reevaluate him, in a whole new sense.
I coulda swore this was on revolver, I guess my memory is slippin.