Yuck. I understand how this is weirdness to the twilight zone. Alot of people are wounded, it's not the best place to hunt for your next girlfriend at support groups. You should date a couple years before you marry, so you know who the person is. But l think if you can state your boundaries, then try another meeting. If you can't be strong right now in standing up to this individual then don't go back. Let the person know who runs group and go back in a month. If in a month, he still harasses you, either stand up to him, report him to organization and decide what to do next. To me, he sounds controlling, and that is disturbing, because he mapped out all your options, told you living with mom and dad is bad, trying to isolate you from family, this all bad signs. Good luck. Think boundaries. You sound extremely intelligent and sincere from your posts. ☺