As presumably I’m one of the guilty let me try this another way.
If this person is the parent of a child I find the wording and phrasing of the original question very strange “what treatment or therapy have you tried last to cure autism?”
Firstly, when I was diagnosed the first thing I was told was there is NO cure for autism it is a developmental condition blah blah. I was also given an information pack which reiterated brain wired differently, NO cure but this condition shouldn’t stop you leading a full life etc.
When my child was diagnosed she was told you are on the autism spectrum, you will have it for life, there is no cure, but you can still lead a full life etc etc. She also received an info pack similar to mine but for kids with phone numbers etc.
The point is everyone seems to be told it’s a life long condition with no cure one way or another. Even a cursory search on the internet will come up with the same thing, there is no cure, nor is there ever likely to be one! The one thing I would guess that the parents of most autistic children do is research, research research. The things research points to are strategies, techniques and maybe ‘therapies’ such as ABA however what they all have in common, is there is no cure. So baring all this in mind why would you come here to ask parents about the latest treatment or therapy they used to try and ‘cure’ their child?
They also wrote -
No mention of my son or daughter nephew or niece etc. Any information like that would have been helpful but the OP didn’t make an introduction post. Also how can one recommend a therapy or treatment to others? Every child is different and what one child may find beneficial, may drive another to total meltdown!
I have no problem trying to help parents but I don’t appreciate how this was gone about it doesn’t seem right to me.
I was thinking of a possible troll.