I am an autistic adult, and any parent who thinks they can "cure" their children of autism is a complete and utter fool.
These so-called cures and treatments were invented by quacks who know that many parents are clueless about autism, and have heard so much negativity and misconceptions about autism that they think their lives are over, so the parents are desperate to try anything to make their kid "normal", including things that cause severe harm or even death. I don't know which is worse, the snake oil salespeople who get away with selling poison like bleach enemas and fermented cabbage seawater concoctions, or the parents STUPID enough that they would rather force their kids to take that garbage or put them in abusive ABA "therapy" than realize that autism is NOT a disease and is NOT the end of the world, and that their children's brains just work differently.
If you had an autistic child you would know just how upsetting, unhelpful, judgmental and hateful your last comment was.
You talk about parents who are “clueless about autism” and how they fall prey to quacks but where do these parents go for good information, wouldn’t a forum such as this be a good start? However, when they get here they are described by some as “a complete an utter fool” or “STUPID” are they likely to stay? I don’t think so, that contributes I have no doubt to why there are so few parents here and the ones that are, often lurk or just leave.
As for “their lives being over” their lives as they knew it often are. An autistic child can demand and need so much attention and care and be at times so destructive that they have to become the centre of a family often to the detriment of siblings. The home changes too, you can’t have anything nice anymore because often if it’s in reach, it will be scratched, damaged, stained or smashed etc.
You don’t have carpet anymore for example because a plate of food can and will be thrown across a carpet because the peas touch the potatoes, or the carrots are the wrong size or shape. So carpet is replaced by wood for hygiene reasons, but a wooden floor will smash cups and plates so you end up with everything being plastic.
Your personal life, family, home and every aspect of your life changes. Add to that you might only get a couple of hours sleep at a time because your child wants to watch TV at 3am, can’t find the remote because you hid it so is now in meltdown waking everyone up including neighbours, so sleep is constantly disrupted night after night but you still have to go to work to buy food pay the bills etc. The siblings still have to go to school, exhausted again.
What if you as a parent are diagnosed as autistic too, as I am, can you imagine the toll living like this has on your health and well-being and relationship with your partner?
You may have “a dash of autism the way a recipe calls for a dash of salt” and that’s good for you, but others lives, parents included, have lives which are totally dominated in every aspect by autism.
Please think carefully in future before you press post reply.