Started this year trying to knock out a number of games in my backlog, mostly thanks to Switch Online even though I vastly prefer how the Virtual Console was since I never felt rushed to finish anything. As it is, don’t feel too bad about using the restore points to be able to finish Sonic 2(oddly the only Sonic game on there), Zelda 2, and Donkey Kong Country 1 and 3. Thing that really shot me down though was trying to finish Fire Emblem…for the most part I’d enjoyed it but man, really feels like a lot of the RNG on top of nasty surprises they save for you really screwed me over at this Coh of Destiny mission to the point where I’d have to start all over and lose many hours of effort. Was really hopeful for a new series to be into but if any of the others are this bad then I guess it’s not for me.
So I got this whim to replay the Shenmue games, the first of which I’d really enjoyed when it and 2 were rereleased, had planned to finish 2 but didn’t get around to it before 3 came out and figured I already knew enough about 2 from watching a playthrough of it. So I enjoyed replaying 1 just as well, kind of a somber and melancholy game despite boasting such a large budget and tech for its time, and finishing 2 for my first time I really enjoyed everything about the first main area, especially the story revolving around Lishao Tao, and though the second area kind of dragged unfortunately, the last more than made up for it imo. Now replaying 3, I’m about half way, definitely trying to take more time with it this go around and though I see why some were disappointed, I’m really loving the relaxing nature of it.
Lastly there’s Pokemon Leaf Green and Let’s Go Eevee. I enjoyed Yellow as my first Pokemon game way back when, so it’s been interesting to play these two different takes back to back. Admittedly I am really not fond of the new catching mechanic, but it does make it a lot easier to just catch everything and see what you enjoy, and now I’ve got 5 badges. Thing is I feel I spend way too much time grinding every Pokemon rather than deciding on a team. It’s too bad because I love the aesthetic and music, but not much else about it I couldn’t find in the older games.
Sadly have been sick the past week and not up to much so not sure what I’ll pick up again first. Really hard to go back to anything when I feel I’ve lost momentum.