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What was the last movie you watched?


It's like "Gone With The Wind". If "Gone With The Wind" was about zombie beavers.

Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things from 1972.

It is about a group of stage actors who take a boat to an island, act silly with magic, and conjure up zombies that then attack them.
"The Spirit Of St. Louis" (1957)

Jimmy Stewart as Charles Lindbergh, the first man to succeed at a solo transatlantic airplane flight in 1927. Up to that point in time others had tried, making it seem like an eloquent and ritual form of suicide. As for "Lucky Lindy" as they called him, it seemed after he landed in Paris most of his luck would run out. But that's another story.

A decent film.
Hell of the Living Dead from the early eighties.

This mist leaks from a factory in South America, then the workers and natives turn into zombies. A group of soldiers meet a camera crew in a village, who know the truth.

This film was once listed as a "video nasty" and is now available uncut.
"Torn Curtain" (1966)

An Alfred Hitchcock film with Paul Newman as an American physicist who defects to the DDR, with his fiance (Julie Andrews) following him without his consent. I loved it, but box office receipts bombed in its release.
Hell of the Living Dead from the early eighties.

This mist leaks from a factory in South America, then the workers and natives turn into zombies. A group of soldiers meet a camera crew in a village, who know the truth.

This film was once listed as a "video nasty" and is now available uncut.
Great film that especially the uncut version although the dubbing is dreadful
"Torn Curtain" (1966)

An Alfred Hitchcock film with Paul Newman as an American physicist who defects to the DDR, with his fiance (Julie Andrews) following him without his consent. I loved it, but box office receipts bombed in its release.
It is hard to imagine that would play well...
...in the West,
...during the Cold War.

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