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What was the last video you watched? (2024 Onward)

Clips of Angels with Filthy Souls and Angels with Even Filthier Souls - the "films within a film" from Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

"Merry Christmas, you filthy animal! [Gunfire] And a Happy New Year!" [Gunshot].
An interesting video, where this YouTuber covers eight reasons as to why the infamous Megalodon Shark is indeed extinct, despite what numerous online articles with clickbait titles and even some news reports claim:


Never realized how dark this episode actually was. As someone who gets overwhelmed a lot, I understood this episode a whole lot more.
Hey Arnold in general makes me kind of stunned at how serious some of the topics were as an adult. It went over my head as a kid Helga’s mom was an alcoholic and I remember another episode where the kids found out a student they bullied was actually completely impoverished.
Seeing the trailer for 28 Years Later.

The poem used in the trailer is "Boots" by Rudyard Kipling, and the narration of it in this trailer is genuinely nerve-racking.

Hey Arnold in general makes me kind of stunned at how serious some of the topics were as an adult. It went over my head as a kid Helga’s mom was an alcoholic and I remember another episode where the kids found out a student they bullied was actually completely impoverished.

Should I even mention episodes like Helga On the Couch, Chocolate Boy, or even Mugged?

The entire show had stuff in it I'd never thought about until I was an adult. I watched the Christmas episode last month and it dawned on me that Mr. Hyunh lived through the Vietnam War and didn't see his daughter again until years later.

I appreciate this show for not talking down to its demographic by talking about a lot of serious and dark topics.

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