This can't be accurate, and of all places, a math class is a very strange place for such a quote.
I like the optimistic sentiment though - it would work ok in a motivational speech.
I can't reach that link. Do you have an alternative?
I'll stay with "unknowable" until there's hard evidence. "Carbon Rings" (I assume it's "Benzine Rings" that are common in organic molecules?) are an indication, but that kind of thing is probably far more likely to occur randomly than Symbiogenesis (the very low-probability merger that led to Eukaryotes (bacterial DNA for mitochondria in "normal" cells)).
NB: not midi-chlorians - that's Star Wars. They're mentioned a lot online at the moment because of the controversial Stars Wars TV show "The Acolyte"
FWIW, even though a probably can't be assigned, I won't be too surprised if life is found elsewhere in the universe sooner or later, even intelligent life.
Locally exceeding lightspeed might well turn out to be impossible though.
It seems the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. But that isn't going to help us get to Alpha Centauri any quicker