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What's Your IQ? (Free-IQTest)


I don't know my real one :D :D
My last official test was done about five months ago, and I think it was 106. It was 95 before they removed my nonworking hippocampus last year that caused seizures.
150! I took a Mensa test but I was just on time by the skin of my teeth and the people in the room made me feel anxious so I took too long on the questions. I will take a retest in the future :)


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I remember taking one about ten years ago and it said I was the equivalent to Einstein.

I wonder, as a few people have said similar whether there is a slight chance of possible alzeimers or something. I've not done any research on this so I don't know what part of the brain that affects. However, for me personally its as if although I have gained wisdom through life, it also feels that over load of thoughts, experiences etc has blocked a lot of the better times out. Hmmm
I got 146. I also figured out how to make it display "160+" so showing the image would be an exercise in futility. 160 is the maximum the test can give, The lowest is 70 even though the lowest it will actually display is "<75".

I can't help but question the accuracy of this test - I doubt I'd get such a high score on a more "official" IQ test as I don't believe my level of intelligence is anything more than ordinary.

Being Aspies
I guess it's only a bit of fun that passes the time! It's not a real IQ test, only a demo.
Some definitions of "High functioning" starts at IQ 130+, so not unusual for "us" to score 130+ on average.

Myself scored 146, in line with my Grade 1 primary school IQ test plus or minus a couple of points.

To get 146, firstly means what percentage of people got 20 out of 20, then how many answered as fast or faster than myself.

146 simply means 1 in 1,000 people are equal or better than myself, so as long as they have enough people take the test, it is pretty trivial to rank responses and output an IQ.

More questions the better, but the test if using only basic maths will still spit out an average of 100 and as many below as above 100.

Ironically if 95% of the people taking this test were "high functioning" Aspies "our" average IQ would drop to 100. Nurotypicals would also lose 25+ IQ points (as reported by the test based on sample of 95% high fucntioning)
im not going to do the test but i am intellectually disabled [diagnosed mild] and my performance IQ is equally low to my verbal IQ which equates to intellectual disability-if there was a large gap that would indicate learning difficulty [under the UK definition] not learning [intellectual] disability.
i also had functioning testing by an OT and they did a lot of assessment with my parents and with a multi disciplinary support team to make the decision,prior to the diagnosis i had been viewed as severely intellectually disabled as i was severely classic autistic up to my late twenties and not present in reality most of the time.

i never see limitations with my IQ,i believe i can do anything i want to apart from a few things that my intelligence has an impact on but i always look for ways around barriers,so i dont understand it when aspies are upset at getting scores like 100,just ignore the score you got and carry on the way your going.
im looking at possibly doing a foundation degree in computing-linux,hacking etc;,if i can do that with an intellectual disability then you guys have got hope and dont need to let a number rule your mood and your life,once you let go of the concept of intelligence,you are free.
I didn't take this online test, but on my last actual IQ test I scored 140, which is very high amongst the general population, but it seems to be fairly normal amongst the Aspie/HFA population
Also; would it mean that someone who is terrible with math, is not as bright as others? Some people have dyscalculia... and let's not even forget the entire notion of the jumbled letters, which might make someone with dyslexia cringe.

I did take a while with one of the jumbled letter ones, but the other one took me no time. The maths ones did take me quite a while and there's no way I got them all. Just for fun though:

Sometime after I joined in the military (desert storm vet), their background checks for me obtaining a top secret clearance found that I was diagnosed as having autism, diagnosed in 1974. (I was non-verbal until I was 4 1/2 but reading before I was 2 and doing algebra level maths at the age of 6, they wanted to institutionalise me as well, in 1974)... Entering the military, I somehow got past their screening for such things, so they sent me for an IQ test, as well as a few other tests, which I tested a 169 IQ and a polymath.
my mother kept me off of the pharmaceuticals, so i adapted without having to rely on medications in my childhood... was a handful then though...
I always end up with a lower IQ when I take these kinds of tests so that doesn't do anything to help boost my ego. ;)

I was tested at age 6, again at age 9, and again at age 22 and it was always the same except I found an error on the test at 22 so I didn't answer it which lowered my score by 3 points. In these cases it was the Stanford-Binet test. I don't see how you can use different tests and make reliable comparisons.
Sometime after I joined in the military (desert storm vet), their background checks for me obtaining a top secret clearance found that I was diagnosed as having autism, diagnosed in 1974. (I was non-verbal until I was 4 1/2 but reading before I was 2 and doing algebra level maths at the age of 6, they wanted to institutionalise me as well, in 1974)... Entering the military, I somehow got past their screening for such things, so they sent me for an IQ test, as well as a few other tests, which I tested a 169 IQ and a polymath.
my mother kept me off of the pharmaceuticals, so i adapted without having to rely on medications in my childhood... was a handful then though...

Very interesting.... I supposedly didn't speak until I was four and it was a complete sentence. I score 168 on the SB tests. I was a whiz at algebra but that wasn't until high school.

As far as I know nobody ever suspected me of being on the spectrum but thinking back it should have been fairly obvious.

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