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What's Your IQ? (Free-IQTest)

Not too bad. Too many number questions. :/


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I have always been cynical about IQs, for various reasons:

  • A single figure that is supposed to encapsulate all aspects of your intelligence is simplistic.
  • It IS possible to practice and get better at them - this is not likely to be a genuine reflection of increased intelligence.
  • Several people whom I consider to be more intelligent than me have got lower IQs according to these tests.
I've heard that kids also tend to have a higher IQ score than adults.


The number sequences always get me in these online IQ tests. Probably if I had some paper and wanted to spend some time writing down the correlations, I wouldn't bomb on them so bad.
It is interesting, but they are supposed to administer different IQ test for adults vs. children. Also, some tests max out at different levels. On one scale it is 200, and another is like 140 or 150 I forget. Also, I think the percentile is actually used more than the point score in clinical settings.
some years ago I scored 142 at Trickle's IQ test
They claimed my intellectual type was a Philosopher.
Back when I was diagnosed, I scored about 150 IQ on the verbal and about 115 on the math, which is what prompted the evaluator to add a diagnosis of Nonverbal Learning Disorder (which is characterized by a significant gap in verbal and math, and a deficit in spatial reasoning; it's often co-morbid with Aspergers, and some argue whether they should even be considered separate things. Needless to say, I have both).

Of course, that was back when I was 16. My scores might be a bit lower now, due both to the fact that the scale is adjusted annually and that I'm no longer in school.
(Perhaps we could have this thread merged with another one.)

There are no accurate online IQ tests, as far as I know. The "accuracy" of traditional IQ tests is even questionable, but for different reasons, as people have discussed elsewhere on the site.
too be honest, I quite like the number, but I highly doubt that it will be correct, i've done some other IQ tests including one from a tv program where you had to answer in time. I have to say, I don't really work good under pressure so the score was way lower. Still I have the feeling that this isn't right too. They are just testing how good you are at making a test, not at how smart you really are.

Now I did the test again, and I got 134. But still I don't really believe this gives an accurate indication of your IQ
I didn't take that test but, the four I have taken in my life have placed my IQ in the 163-168 range. Not that I want to be a nuclear physicist or anything but, it does put pressure on me to actually sound intelligent and, that can be annoying. it's like I can't simply be myself, I'm expected to be a Steven Hawkins or something, not a stubborn, jaded old rock n' roll chick.
some years ago I scored 142 at Trickle's IQ test
They claimed my intellectual type was a Philosopher.

Yeah, I did that one too, and got 135. They said that I was similar to Bill Gates, or something like that.
I got 170 and yet I cannot for the life of me figure out how to add the "official badge" to this post. Being good at puzzles (and guessing) apparently doesn't make me good at anything useful.
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When I was diagnosed, eight years ago, I was given the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence test (WASI). My score was 135. I have taken several online tests and they always score higher. This leads me to believe that the online tests are not very accurate when compared to the test that the doctor gave me.

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