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What's Your IQ? (Free-IQTest)

It was too easy. I accidentally skipped a question.

I give up, I can't figure out how to post it. I scored 141.

i think the culprit is in part because ASD thought patterns are visual or just different than a NT. Not as concrete as NTs .And also the amount of focus we can have creates a different depth of field than NT

I agreed totally, it seems like a difference in resolution, both actual and potential.

Apparently I got 160+. Whilst it would be nice to think this was my IQ I don't believe it. I don't believe you can place any trust in the stats given the number of questions.
How did you manage to upload that? I have tried but the link doesn't seem to work. You must be very bright even with the limited number of questions.
How did you manage to upload that? I have tried but the link doesn't seem to work. You must be very bright even with the limited number of questions.
I looked at the html data in the link and noticed it was just pulling a gif off the web site. I simply cut n paste that piece of html and pressed the image button on the toolbar and it asked me for a html link. I just pasted the chunk of html from the clipboard :)
How did you manage to upload that? I have tried but the link doesn't seem to work. You must be very bright even with the limited number of questions.

All you do is right-click the mouse whilst the pointer is over the image in question, select 'copy' from among the options that come up, go to 'aspiescentral', go to the box where you normally type in your comment for posting, then right-click again and this time select 'paste'. That's how I did it.
The new Snipping Tool for Windows 7 came in handy here. Its like Print Screen but it does the job better.

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IQ tests are ********, and mean nothing. Intelligence doesn't even mean anything either. We're all different, and I'm starting to feel that classifications like "Aspie" or "Neutotypical" are actually kinda damaging too.

Nobody is truly neurotypical, and what we perceive as intelligence really has a lot to do with motivation. I was in a gifted program as a kid for the simple reason that I was interested in spacing out and thinking about things and was bored with school and the teachers noticed that.

I wasn't smarter, I just liked understanding patterns and fixing things. That was my hobby, and as a result I got pretty good at making sense of the world and how things work.

But calling that intelligence is not that intelligent. And especially those you think they have some form of superiority over others for getting a high number in some test. If you think that you haven't researched IQ reliability enough. Maybe this is the real intelligence test. :eek:
I don't care if IQ tests really measure anything else than your ability to solve the particular set of problems you were given. I quite enjoy solving problems, whether the result I get is a number or a unicorn is quite uninteresting to me. I don't see anyone calling others less intelligent or in any other way reading superiority into the numbers.
I've been extensively tested as a teenager, the tests took about 7 hours in total, in 3 sittings.
The results showed a "reversed gap" between verbal and performal IQ, which they later told me is common in autistic people and highly gifted people.
I've done my own research and did not come to the same conclusion.

Results were verbal IQ of 137 and performal IQ of 162.
Those numbers by themselves are utterly meaningless, but further analysis of the tests and answers did give some insight.

These IQ tests are advertised as objective, but how can they be.
It all depends on which meta cognitive skills you have or have not (yet) aquired.
Some people have skills that allow them to instantly see patterns, or decipher codes really well. But thats just what they are, specific skills that apply to specific aspects of life.

They also say your IQ is set in stone, and does not increase once you hit adulthood (which I find a very strange phrase alltogether).
That may be true, depending on your definition of IQ, but whats certain is, answering a few questions or solving a couple of problems is not an accurate enough test.

What is also true is that some cognitive skills can be learnt and others can't (yet?).
Strange i got 140 on a professional one and 120 on this one o_O?

Either way Intelligence cannot be measured my a mere number which is very flawed, however, i do think IQ signifies a small portion of intelligence. Intelligence is a subject that i am very interested in and @Uninspired and Intelligence does mean a lot since it affects an individuals abilities and it does exist. At the same time i am not claiming superiority over people with lower IQ scores because that itself would make the person dumb since:

A) That's the effect of Dunning Kruger which is a form of objectively stupid.

B) No matter where you are there will always be someone who is better at certain subjects than you. This is a simply fact and reality.

C) Anyone has the potential to be intelligent. They just don't realize it.

In all truthfulness there are people who a lot more intelligent than me such as Richard Dawkins, Einstein and Neil Degrease Tyson. Its an objective fact that there are people who are more intelligent than you whether you like it or not. Its a simple fact.

But those who are more intelligent than me i admire and actually have deep respect because i highly respect intellectuals whose intellect is better than mine and it gives me a goal to reach to be as Intelligent as them or surpass them. If someone is less intelligent than me then they're still intelligent and i still consider them intelligent. I cannot tolerate people who are objectively stupid(Racists,Homophobes and etc). Intelligent people make mistakes but they acknowledge they're mistakes more quicker than stupid people.

Aspies and Neurotypicals have their brains wired differently, so no, NT's and Aspies do exist. While intelligence is a very difficult topic, generally intelligence mostly kind of consists of Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence.

Fluid Intelligence is being able to think logically and reasonably about solving problems without having previous knowledge. Analyzing, Identifying patterns and relationships and solving the problems using the necessary method combined with logic,deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. From observing myself and having others observe to prevent bias my Fluid Intelligence is a lot lot higher than my Crystallized Intelligence. Out of a scale of 10 it would 9/10.

Crystallized Intelligence is used by using experience ,knowledge and skills and consists of one's long term memories in a certain subject. For example, having played games for ten years i can immediately identify and excel in most games using previous skills and knowledge gained because over 10 years i have been exposed to different types of games which i have had a big interest in games causing me to become very skilled later on.

However, out of ten my crystallized intelligence is 7/10 since i am having problems with procrastination and time. And i think Crystallized is an aftermath of Fluid Intelligence.

apsie About IQ. You're wrong, its a myth that your IQ is set in place because you can train yourself by becoming more intelligent with the required amount of training. For example if you take the Dual n back test (n stands for number) you improve your working memory which increases your short term memory by allowing you to remember more thing's you've learn for the short amount of time you've spent and it also increases on well you can focus and decreasing being distracted but it is also said that it could supposedly help ADHD/ADDers be less distracted howver, there are no facts or evidence that i know to support this so for now i don't think it will help ADDers.

But there a lot more to intelligence then just the Dual n back test. This article sums it up nicely.
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This is a complete POS. I got 160+. I know I am not above Einstein (who was 150), and my REAL IQ is lower than that (136). Fail. The questions were too easy, and many were copied from other tests I've taken.

I'm not even sure what an IQ test is meant to test really, anyways. It's certainly not intelligence considering how your score can change depending on what direction the wind is blowing...

To test something, it must be a. constant and b. measurable. Overall intelligence is neither.
If I recall correctly my IQ when I was 5 was 207 on the test they gave us in school. Not that I ever made use of it.
apsie About IQ. You're wrong, its a myth that your IQ is set in place because you can train yourself by becoming more intelligent with the required amount of training. For example if you take the Dual n back test (n stands for number) you improve your working memory which increases your short term memory by allowing you to remember more thing's you've learn for the short amount of time you've spent and it also increases on well you can focus and decreasing being distracted but it is also said that it could supposedly help ADHD/ADDers be less distracted howver, there are no facts or evidence that i know to support this so for now i don't think it will help ADDers.

But there a lot more to intelligence then just the Dual n back test. This article sums it up nicely.

I didn't phrase correctly apparently, I didn't mean to say I think IQ is set in stone, I just meant to say its a common belief.
I actually agree with most of what you wrote.
What they claim to measure with these tests is IQ, but what they really measure one's meta cognitive skills, which can indeed be trained.

Please don't quote mine me.
I'm not saying you did, I'm just rather paranoid about it 'cause people have done it in the past and the results for me were terrible.
Oh no i was just saying that the common belief is actually a myth and i was just trying to say that the myth is wrong. I should've phrased it better so apologies if i came of patronizing or intimidating.

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