Many years ago I would have given an answer towards something like mildly christian because, well was forced by parents and those around me at the time.
Now I go with Science & Mathematics. I have a deep dislike for any form of it. Not in a sense that if someone else is that I would go out of my way to belittle that person or tease.
Just don't try and shove it down my throat. Unfortunately this is something I've experienced quite a lot and this has ony fuelled my dislike of it.
To me it makes no logical sense at all.
In general on forums like these where others are understanding and helpful I'd generally just avoid those full on philosophical debates.
Different story on a nother formI used to frequent where bullying and just general nastiness is the norm.
Enjoy it if you have one, just leave me out of it.
In hindsight typing this I realise that I'm being a bit counter productive considering what I've typed above..
You guys know how it goes, start reading start typing a reply, get to the end, sit and think if what one has typed was actually worth it or really necessary to type.....