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Why don’t I want to do anything?


Well-Known Member
This goes for basic things too like cleaning. I don’t mind cooking so much anymore it’s just I find cleaning so hard. I also don’t like doing activities that stimulate the mind like reading, writing, sketching, cross word puzzles etc. All I like doing is go out to eat then excersize to my music for an hour. Then sit and listen to it for the rest of the day. I used to like doing activities. Maybe I’m on too much medication. The winter makes it worse. It’s like I have no soul anymore.
This goes for basic things too like cleaning. I don’t mind cooking so much anymore it’s just I find cleaning so hard. I also don’t like doing activities that stimulate the mind like reading, writing, sketching, cross word puzzles etc. All I like doing is go out to eat then excersize to my music for an hour. Then sit and listen to it for the rest of the day. I used to like doing activities. Maybe I’m on too much medication. The winter makes it worse. It’s like I have no soul anymore.
That sounds sad. I hope you get to feeling better soon. I notice that you said "winter makes it worse." Have you considered seasonal depression?
I find this quite normal, not many like cleaning and that stems to neurotypicals as well. Some people do like it, but I think many do not. I do not like it and had to get a cleaner for weakness and overwhelm as well. I cannot afford to keep them anymore so the cleaning came back to me, do I like it I like having a clean home home and that is a must for me. Try and do what you can keeping it clean but making it as easy for yourself as possible.

You have your likes I don't like doing a lot of those things the activity colouring books for adults at such. Told enough at hospital they were good time passers, I have what I like and my go to and that is perfectly alright. I like to write, so we are all tuned differently.

Winter is not an easy time. Try and do what you can to get get through and make your transition to the day as smooth as possible...For me that it involves self care at night such as sometimes putting my night light on my ceiling, a diffuser and using a spray that got me in the air. Also, I have a SAD lamp which I could explore using as well.

Perhaps you could and awaken your senses as well if you need to like beating on a drum. Try and be kind to yourself and take as much rest as you need.
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It makes sense that your meds and winter would drain your motivation.

What is it that you like about going out to eat? I am wondering if there are other similar activities that could be fun and be another thing to do. Maybe trying something new could spark your motivation, too.
This goes for basic things too like cleaning. I don’t mind cooking so much anymore it’s just I find cleaning so hard. I also don’t like doing activities that stimulate the mind like reading, writing, sketching, cross word puzzles etc. All I like doing is go out to eat then excersize to my music for an hour. Then sit and listen to it for the rest of the day. I used to like doing activities. Maybe I’m on too much medication. The winter makes it worse. It’s like I have no soul anymore.
The US Army had a TV commercial on in the 80's and 90's, "We do more before 9am than most people do all day."

I am sort of the same way on my days off of work, often up before the sun and I get all my work done early in the morning while my mind is fresh and I haven't sat down. The moment I park my behind on the couch or computer chair, I know I am not going to get much done after that. This is no good. My mind is often exhausted by the early afternoon and I will sometimes take naps.

I think it helps that I have a wife that also works, and with that comes some understanding that we have to work as a team to get things done around the house. We both work around 50hrs a week. Sometimes I am home alone. Sometimes she is. Neither one of us can be expected to manage all the little things around the house, run errands, yard maintenance, make meals, etc. We have to divide and conquer, but also be reliable. Neither one of us can just say to the other, "I didn't feel like it.", "I just wasn't feeling motivated." That's not what reliable partners do to each other. So, light that fire, stick it under your behind, and get some things done is sort of the mindset. You can have your "feelings" when you're done, but not now.
I don’t mind cooking so much anymore it’s just I find cleaning so hard.

Me too. So much so it isn't often that I'm willing to go to the trouble of cooking an elaborate meal. And often find myself making something I don't necessarily want to eat, just because it's easy and "down and dirty" to make.

Plus I have to deal with the ebb and flow of clinical depression, which adds to the equation. And my OCD keeps me cleaning at times whether I want to or not. Weird to explain....

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