I do the same. I have a notebook for writing things down. Tasks (however small and silly) get transferred to my to-do list app. Appointments (however small and silly) go on the calendar. And Trello keeps track of the projects I'm involved in - including whether I've got to do something on them next, or if I'm waiting for someone else.
If I don't write stuff down immediately it goes straight out of my head.
I also have a countdown app telling me how long it is until certain things like the expiry of certain licences (and how many days till payday!) so I can start getting things sorted in advance.
My to-do list app has a "repeating tasks" function, so I've set it up to tell me all my daily tasks "take medication, feed cats, make lunch for tomorrow," etc.
Actually doing stuff is another thing. Getting started is the problem. I've got one (quite important) task I've been putting off for months. It's not even difficult, and I don't know why I don't just get on with it.
But I find that putting things on the to-do list does make me more likely to do the things - not only because I don't forget them, but because having them sitting there on the list is more annoying than doing them and then crossing them off. And crossing them off always feels good (sometimes I even write stuff I've done on the list just so I can cross it off immediately and feel all productive).
If I didn't have the lists, my anxiety would be off the scale. And things still would not get done.