Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I don't feel like any "beacon of hope" myself. Just someone who has reconciled themselves to the likelihood of being alone in this world until I leave it.
Self-awareness may keep me out of trouble more so now than in the past, but I don't see any romances blooming on my horizon. Sometimes it just happens that way. Then again, cosmically perhaps it was supposed to. There must be some sort of lesson to learn in being so alone for so long.
A few of the many things I did to help myself (by de-evolving the part of me that I came to see as a parasite back to the state it was when I was a 10yr old) was the following;
1) If I'd never been in a relationship before, then that meant that all the happiest moments in my life didn't involve love
2) You can't miss or truely yearn for that which you haven't ever had
3) Love, it isn't for everyone, but not purely just because others can't make it work, but in the case of me it was that it never sat well with my true 'love hating' personality (ever since the very beginnings of , growing up) which I'd established as part of my true identity at age 10 and was happy with until destructive changes forced themselves on me (and upsetting me very much) at ages 12-13 and tried to usurp my identity and control me. I realized that the true tradgedy was not that I was never going to have a girlfriend in my life, but that I was mentally abused, bullied and manipulated by a part of me that was never really a part of the real 'me'. This admitedly is a massive over-simplification.
4) Look at your present/future goals/ambissions that have nothing to do with love and focus on them
5) Get yourself to see love as a bad thing that you don't want and get really good at this. Get yourself out of the habit of looking at certain women and envying couples etc. See yourself perhaps as being above and beyond love.
6) Pre-occupy yourself (there are so many things that you can fit in 10 lifetimes, so 1 shouldn't be hard.
I have admittedly also learnt how better to make love work too (not that I desire it in any way, shape or form anymore and nor could I properly have got it to work even if I had) afterall, I went to a party and out clubbing for the first time ever recently and purely because of how 'it' was coercing me into trying hard enough to make such things happen. It drove me to do it, but it was my skills that got me there and hey- I got some b**bies flashed at me and did a few other racy things with a lovely girl (all one off's) but I also won friends (sort of) and no-one is more useless than me at doing all of that typically (I'm a 27yr old and somehow I was doing that with 17-19yr olds ). In the end I still have friends (well sort of) from that unexpected group and I am able to have fun without women needing to be a direct part of that. Me and some of the guys got lost from the main group and that was the best part of the night.