It was only when an Aspie friend pointed it out to me that I realized many of the symptoms applied to him. I was on the verge of giving up on him, but somehow knowing his AS only renewed my determination to keep going.
He may or may not know that he has AS. But gah, I have no intention to spring that on him! My desire is to make him feel less anxious around me, and hopefully rekindle the relationship.
Like you said, he's not going to change. Not only do I have to accept, I have to love him for who he is. Knowing about his potential AS helps me understand him better, which in turn, makes me believe all the more strongly that we can make this work, if only he would let me.
I cant ever speak for him or anyone else... but I have some serious trust issues.
Not in the mood to even talk about it much, but when you struggle every waking minute to cope with surroundings that are loud, smell weird, sometimes blurry, and your mind is in overdrive trying to sort it all out as just more and more and more floods in... And then your told your a f------ retard, or that your stupid, or hated, or weird, or stubborn, or countless other things... it more than hurts.
If you ever get back with him, please be kind to him, even if your pissed off at him...
When I was abandoned as a kid, maybe I lost trust in people. I do trust but it takes me a while, but crush me and you have hurt me in ways that cant be comprehended. I will forgive you, but I will forget you ever existed. I hope he hasn't went there...
I wish you all the luck with this guy. Yet, of all people I know how hard it is on an NT also. My wife has to deal with stuff from me, that never even comes across her normal radar. I get that, and it makes me feel really bad, because I notice the troubles I cause her, and I have no way to just switch this stuff off.
We are both intelligent people, but most times its like we are from 2 different universes.
I wish I could give you all this hope... but just look at the internet on NT vs Aspie stuff...
Its everywhere, and its mostly all in favor of the NT mindset, hell bent on fixing us.
You cant fix what isn't broken. Instead we are labeled, categorized, medicated, labeled as diseased, or disabled (neither apply to me). We are made to feel inferior, when many times we have IQ's that surpass the "expert" a-- hole that just evaluated us...
Thats a messed up world
I wish you luck and I admire that your doing this. : )