The name is a bit controversial, I’d say? Wrong Planet.
Many autistic people, myself included feel like they're either on the wrong planet, or they're a foreigner living in a foreign land. I can imagine what it's like being a person who lives in a country/culture that was not the one they were born into and perhaps they learn the native tongue as a second language. Even if they live in that new country for the remainder of their life and become quite fluent in the language, it will always feel like it's not their "home" and they'll always feel on some level that they're different than the people who are native to that country.
I embraced Wrong Planet right away during my search which at that point was only self-diagnosis because when I was a child I actually thought I was from a different planet. I was convinced that was the only explanation as to why I was different from everyone else. I went as far as to name the planet, the creator/leader of that planet and invented a rudimentary language. I also gave myself a new name in my planet's language and insisted that others call me by that name. My fellow peers, relatives, friends and friend's parents obliged and I was known by that name for years. I also told my parents that they since I was created on that other planet I was grateful to them for being my surrogate parents.
You can imagine that "Wrong Planet" resonated with me.