Unfortunately, it's impossible to discuss Politics, Philosophy or Religion in an intellectual way on WP because there are essentially no rules in that forum. Mods admit it. I'm a student of Philosophy but I can't go to PPR without running the risk of personal attacks, harassment, or insult which wouldn't be allowed on any other internet forum. Philosophy or Religion might be someone's special interest but there's no safe space for anyone to discuss spirituality or personal beliefs on WP whilst having a semblance of rules enforced. Many members want to share their thoughts or their ideology without being mocked as "delusional" or "delirious", labelled with hate terms, or trapped in defensive posturing about their topic. Sadly, that's not an option because the only forum available for academic discussion on WP has no rules and takes no prisoners. It's an enter-at-your-own-risk mentality.
If you get harassed in PPR, the leadership will suggest you are at fault for going there in the first place. Don't expect help. How dare anyone post about ancient philosophy if they don't want attacked? How dare anyone express an opinion or life experience without political motives being assigned? Then, the bullies follow their targets around the rest of the site to continue mocking them, even in The Haven which is supposed to be protected but isn't.
When members don't have an opportunity to have reasonable, informed, civil discourse in PPR, or if they avoid vulnerability by not posting in The Haven, there's little else to do on WP. You'll have the option of reading people's smut in the Adult forum, getting attacked in gender wars on LD, playing word games, or posting music. It's hard to be included in any true, intelligent discourse because that's just a battleground.
Separating PPR by making it optional the way it is on AF will not solve this problem. They need to enforce rules in PPR so that all members are safe to discuss Politics, Philosophy or Religion without being faulted if they dare to step inside. I can imagine that making it optional would only strengthen the argument "You chose to come in here and you're too sensitive. What did you expect?"
There is very little focus on Autism or truly supporting one another. Most people say they're tired of talking about Autism. Support for those who are upset usually consists of "I'm sorry that happened. Don't let it bother you. Just ignore it. I managed despite the odds so you should too" -- even in relation to bullying or abuse on the site, or in members' personal lives. This cavalier attitude undermines the struggles of many people in considerable pain, or those suffering from trauma / depression / anxiety disorders / background stories of extreme duress. Threads are frequently derailed even when they're of a sensitive nature. Often, you can open a thread called "I'm Really Hurting" (etc.), but find the weather report for another country, or people other than the OP discussing their sex lives and / or food preferences. It's just bizarre in that regard.
It's really hard for me to watch WP sink. I put my heart and soul into the site and hoped the atmosphere would improve but sadly, it seems to be on its last legs due to a lack of constructive leadership. I'm very grateful for AF, where I always feel safe and everyone's experience is taken seriously.