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Yet another shooting, yet another "Aspergers Syndrome" diagnosis

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It also annoys me to no end that throughout this manifesto, I have read the words "pretty blonde girls" or "beautiful blonde girls" probably over 100 times now. He thought that he was entitled to blonde girls as if they were some status symbol. I bet he looked down upon all "unattractive" or "different" girls. That just bothers me, because if he had just accepted that he was not normal, he would have been so much happier. Gah.
It also annoys me to no end that throughout this manifesto, I have read the words "pretty blonde girls" or "beautiful blonde girls" probably over 100 times now. He thought that he was entitled to blonde girls as if they were some status symbol. I bet he looked down upon all "unattractive" or "different" girls. That just bothers me, because if he had just accepted that he was not normal, he would have been so much happier. Gah.
Unfortunately the nature of his illness isn't that simple. It's possible that his delusions of grandeur arose as a coping mechanism for his own feelings of inadequacy. And delusions don't just go away like that. He needed a lot of help.

And he hated all women, blondes included.
It also annoys me to no end that throughout this manifesto, I have read the words "pretty blonde girls" or "beautiful blonde girls" probably over 100 times now. He thought that he was entitled to blonde girls as if they were some status symbol. I bet he looked down upon all "unattractive" or "different" girls. That just bothers me, because if he had just accepted that he was not normal, he would have been so much happier. Gah.

Yes- it is disturbing. He had socialization issues in general and instead of putting his energy and heart into treatment and self-improvement he chose to create his own personal scapegoats. Very sad...

My autism has caused socialization problems for me. But it's still MY autism. I can't project it on someone else. Rodger just didn't seem to grasp this.
Wait a minute, where the hell did you guys find his manifesto ? or is from an article or news story ?
*cough cough* book title filetype : pdf or ext of file *cough cough cough* Yep plus Google is super powerful ;)

PDFs are a pain in the arse. I always groan when I see links that might be helpful in that format. :eek:
But less than a month before his attacks, after he had planned the killings and obtained the guns he would use, the community college student opened his door to a knock to find about seven officers looking for him.

“I had the striking and devastating fear that someone had somehow discovered what I was planning to do, and reported me for it,” Rodger said in a manifesto obtained by California's KEYT-TV, excerpts of which were published by the Los Angeles Times.

“If that was the case, the police would have searched my room, found all of my guns and weapons, along with my writings about what I plan to do with them. I would have been thrown in jail, denied of the chance to exact revenge on my enemies. I can't imagine a hell darker than that. Thankfully, that wasn't the case, but it was so close,” he wrote.

He said he learned that videos he posted online had alarmed his mother, and he believed either she or a mental health agency had asked authorities to check up on him.

I don't know how many more red flags the authorities needed? I read that when the police when to check up on him, they HAD NOT seen the Youtube videos. Had they, I'm sure they would have done more.
I don't know how many more red flags the authorities needed? I read that when the police when to check up on him, they HAD NOT seen the Youtube videos. Had they, I'm sure they would have done more.

I'd take a heavy bet we're going to see some civil litigation occur as a result of this crime. Lawsuits which may transcend the medical community all the way to law enforcement. I won't speculate how they will be decided, but I can see them coming.

Maybe this will be the spark that ignites change. Where professionals both in mental health and law enforcement must be legally empowered (and in the process held accountable) to be more proactive when dealing with such cases in real time. Of course the challenge is always the same. Navigating and negotiating civil rights and civil liberties. A very slippery slope at times.
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I'm wondering right about now if we're seeing more copy cat shooters or if the media is picking and choosing the stories they cover ?

I mean I did a bit of digging and there was a Colorado school shooting that didn't get any coverage whatsoever ... Colorado School Shooting Fails to Generate Media Buzz ...

Hmm I guess the only way the shooter could qualify as a media buzz sensation is by killing innocent little children or being a worthy candidate with signs that could easy be mistaken as Autism ...

****ing piece of **** media ! Lives don't mean a goddamn thing to you unless it adds $$$$ to your paycheck!
As Alexa pointed out, he left a novella all about how he understood his life and the events leading to the killings, which gives us a unusually detailed look at what motivated him, making the straw reaching both more ridiculous and more offensive.

I'm no psychologist, but i did read his little autobiography, and the impression I got was of a frustrated and lonely guy who, by the absurd standards of society and himself, was 'failing' as a man if he didn't sexually triumph with women. Being obviously shy and insecure, he couldn't achieve that. Add to this the bullying he endured by others, and his insecurity forged obsession with status, and it's not hard to see how he became incredibly frustrated and angry.
Most people in his shoes direct that anger inward via addiction or self harm. Instead, he directed it outwards, developing an entitlement complex in the form of resentment against the women and men who made him feel bad about himself.

None of that really relates to his Aspergers, except that it possibly exacerbated the way other people- and I mean men, not women- isolated and bullied him. Apsergers wasn't the 'cause' of his killings, but it may well have been a contributing factor in other people's failure to identify and neutralize him as lonely, angry, and potentially dangerous person, not because he was different, but because of the objectifying, sexist nonsense he clung to to cope with his deep feelings of inadequacy.

But that doesn't get viewers/hits/etc, so lets all just blame guns or mental illness or whatever.
As Alexa pointed out, he left a novella all about how he understood his life and the events leading to the killings, which gives us a unusually detailed look at what motivated him, making the straw reaching both more ridiculous and more offensive.

I'm no psychologist, but i did read his little autobiography, and the impression I got was of a frustrated and lonely guy who, by the absurd standards of society and himself, was 'failing' as a man if he didn't sexually triumph with women. Being obviously shy and insecure, he couldn't achieve that. Add to this the bullying he endured by others, and his insecurity forged obsession with status, and it's not hard to see how he became incredibly frustrated and angry.
Most people in his shoes direct that anger inward via addiction or self harm. Instead, he directed it outwards, developing an entitlement complex in the form of resentment against the women and men who made him feel bad about himself.

None of that really relates to his Aspergers, except that it possibly exacerbated the way other people- and I mean men, not women- isolated and bullied him. Apsergers wasn't the 'cause' of his killings, but it may well have been a contributing factor in other people's failure to identify and neutralize him as lonely, angry, and potentially dangerous person, not because he was different, but because of the objectifying, sexist nonsense he clung to to cope with his deep feelings of inadequacy.

But that doesn't get viewers/hits/etc, so lets all just blame guns or mental illness or whatever.

A ****ing men to that and + like for that last line ! The media has became that F student who failed Literature class and couldn't write a well though or complex summary but someone made a great living by writing news articles and being just smart enough to know that it makes him lots of $$$$

What you said is way too complex for authors who write articles to even begun comprehending, so they go to something simpler like guns and mental illnesses or anything else that they associate with evil. If you were to propose this to any writer in the media who writes news articles, you would cause their primitive little brains to shut down and they would start howling and flinging their **** around everywhere! No piece of **** writer in the media could comprehend any complex ideas or thoughts as it would hurt them :(
None of that really relates to his Aspergers, except that it possibly exacerbated the way other people- and I mean men, not women- isolated and bullied him. Apsergers wasn't the 'cause' of his killings, but it may well have been a contributing factor in other people's failure to identify and neutralize him as lonely, angry, and potentially dangerous person, not because he was different, but because of the objectifying, sexist nonsense he clung to to cope with his deep feelings of inadequacy.

But that doesn't get viewers/hits/etc, so lets all just blame guns or mental illness or whatever.

He was so caught up in this fantasy life that he wanted to live. In this fantasy, he was social and outgoing and all the blonde girls would flock to him. While it is important to have hope, you can't put a time limit on it, and you certainly need to be aware of your own capabilities. I can relate to him about that, though, because I struggled with fantasizing that I was this really outgoing party girl that everyone liked and wanted to take pictures with and stuff. But in reality, I was sitting at home, looking through other peoples' pictures on facebook, vicariously living through them.

It was an extremely depressing way to live, and I still struggle with it every day. The difference, however, is that I never resented the people that had better lives than me. It only made me feel worse about myself and like LikeMars said, I directed my anger inward on myself. I don't do that any more though! :)

I think the Aspergers comes in to play because he was always too shy to put himself out there, and that is what doomed him. He would go on walks hoping that someone would reach out to him and befriend him, but that is just simply not the way that the world works. He never even had a job because he thought that doing such remedial things like fast food or retail were beneath him. But in reality, that is where most people do meet friends/significant others.
Journalism is dead, and most the the so-called journalists we now see are just vapid, pretty, controllable talking heads who have stomachs robust enough, and minds weak enough to take a paycheck for presenting the almost-as-worthwhile-as-instagram crap that has replaced the news. I never watch it anymore. It's nauseating. The ensemble news shows we now get are like "Friends", but without the nuanced character development, or courageous, insightful writing.

Ever seen a movie called "Idiocracy"? It's prophetic.
I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but this report in my national media in New Zealand says "he was believed to have Aspergers but hadn't been formally diagnosed". Interesting. Looks as though we'll be taken out of the mix.

US shooting: Victims murdered in 'personal killing chamber' - World - NZ Herald News

My dad always suggests reading another countries spin on the news because a lot of them aren't as biased as the American media outlet ...

Didn't the media say he was officially diagnosed ? I'm interested and curious in NZ Herald New's sources for this claim that he hadn't been officially diagnosed :/

Why would NZ be taken out of the mix ? Because they ain't pointing fingers at a scapegoat like the American media is and is actually reporting facts and not whatever sells ?
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