At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own actions, unless we are not capable of this in which case we need to be helped.
There is such a pressing need to help everyone with mental health issues in society. It has been ignored for so long, with the history of "treatment" for mental health being horrific. When I went for therapy a few years back, it was to the old "hospital" for mental health cases. It was basically the old county asylum, which looked every bit as gothic and terrifying as this word conjures up.
Is society in denial over mental health? Very probably. Then again, how much time do we spend every day thinking of all the horrible diseases that exist which ravage our physical bodies. There has to be a "ignore the bad side of life" coping mechanism inbuilt into all of us just to go about our daily lives and not think of what might happen to us down the road.
There are a lot of charities which raise awareness of fundraising for the big diseases (cancer in particular seems to be highlighted everywhere). Because this can affect anyone randomly, it gets the big news and attention. I am seeing more mental health awareness being introduced in the UK, but it's slow. It's only a generation or two back that treatment for mental health was like something out of the dark ages. So, maybe we are living in the time of it slowly being brought forward into modern medicine and help.
These shooting stories are probably dismissed by most people as "another nutter" stories, and with so much news and information available, attention spans are minimal at best. The real tragedy is of course the victims and their friends and families. Even, dare I say it, the family of the murderer? And, ultimately, the murderers themselves are victims. I am not distributing any amounts of "sympathy" between these peoples, I just think that this society needs to address mental health just as importantly as physical health.
What made me post this thread initially was my exasperation over news reporting. It's horrifying to realise that as I get older and am exposed to more and more of the antics of human beings, I am more and more desensitised. I saw this report and wasn't shocked by what had happened. This is in itself an awful realisation.
It get harder and harder to comprehend humanity as I learn more and more about it. Mental health is ignored, warning signs are ignored, having seriously dangerous weapons freely available throughout a society is accepted, and the biggest one of all - there are no places to go and hide from all this. Everywhere on the planet has humans and their baggage. I too have decided I can't have kids because of the world they face. Ignorance is bliss and I am not ignorant.
I am so grateful to have Aspergers which has, after a torturous path, brought me to where I am today. I'm only just realising I've got more humanity in my views than a lot of people. Don't know what use this is yet, but I'm glad I am a little more compassionate than most.