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Your forum has so many adverts that its annoyingly impenetrable

Is Scrooge McDuck called Dagobert in Germany? That name is a little funny. :) He's called Skrue McDuck here.
lol, yes he is called "Dagobert Duck" in germany. wikipedia says he is called "Joakim von And" in denmark, Balthazar Picsou in france, Paperon de' Paperoni in italy, Sknerus McKwacz in poland, Joakim von Anka in sweden and so on...
I agree! It's awful. I use Adblock Plus on my desktop but on my phone it's a nightmare. I'm attaching a couple of screenshots of what I see. There is an ad after every 2 replies in a thread! That's way more than I have dealt with except on the most clickbait-y of websites.


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I agree! It's awful. I use Adblock Plus on my desktop but on my phone it's a nightmare. I'm attaching a couple of screenshots of what I see. There is an ad after every 2 replies in a thread! That's way more than I have dealt with except on the most clickbait-y of websites.
Thanks @autistic-anemoi. Could you confirm what mobile you're using and what browser you are using please?
I find ads extremely irritating and distracting, so I use an adblocker (uBlock Origen) and rarely ever have to see an ad. If I do see one, I block it manually and problem solved. On my phone I use firefox + an adblocker for browsing, though I only ever access the internet from my phone when I'm away from home. I rarely, if ever, use apps on phone - only ones which are ad-free - simply because I have no way of getting rid of those annoying ads (unless I pay, of course).
I immediately bought the VIP subscription to avoid seeing any ads. $10 for a lifetime membership really isn’t that bad especially since you only pay for it once. And I actually am on a bit of a budget and buying the membership didn’t affect my monthly budget that much.
Yeah, that ads have been way over the top lately. I changed desktops, reinstalled Norton (its supposed to have an ad-blocker), downloaded Firefox as my browser, but still have so many ads I can't even navigate the site here! I'm on disability and operating at a $500 a month deficit, so I can't afford membership (since SOO many sites want memberships nowadays!), so I'm going to have to find a standalone adblocker. I'm not especially technical, so this is a hard ask for me, but I literally can't enjoy this forum due to all the ads (I've been here for many years, too!). So sad. I hate ads in general and have threatened to Go Feral i.e. give up all tech to get away from the sensory overload.

It's not me being lazy, cheap, or stupid. I'm just not as able or priviledged as some others here. So I should be punished for that?

Post post update. Ublock origen worked IMMEDIATELY and was easy/free to apply. Highly recommend!
Is Scrooge McDuck called Dagobert in Germany? That name is a little funny. :) He's called Skrue McDuck here.
"Dagobert" and "Skrue" are a lot funnier than "Scrooge." Lol
Is he called Skrue McDuck because he screws people out of cash? Lol (sorry if that word isn't allowed)

I also don't know what "chintzy" means. Does it mean "stingy?" Where I live we would say a stingy person is "cheap."
There are advertisements on the Internet? since when?

Realizes most people don't use the web on a desktop computer.

I also don't know what "chintzy" means. Does it mean "stingy?" Where I live we would say a stingy person is "cheap."

We never use it either. Yeah, it means cheap. Funny to see online how people interpret that word.

But it's also in our dictionary too. Go figure. I'm so scundered. ;)
When I think of the word "chintzy", I think of it as an adjective to describe something (usually something that is a piece of junk). Example: a DVD player from 2003 that only cost $75 brand new is chintzy to me. See also: tat.
In contemporary language, the words "chintz" and "chintzy" can be used to refer to clothing or furnishings which are vulgar or florid in appearance, and commonly in informal speech, to refer to cheap, low quality, or gaudy things, and similarly, to personal behavior.

The term 'chintzy' is also attributed to novelist George Eliot, who in 1851 wrote about muslin fabric to her sister, saying: "The quality of the spotted one is best, but the effect is chintzy." This is believed to have been said about cheap British imitations of real chintz, which became common at the time.

As I understand it, you only make money when somebody clicks on the ad. Do websites make more money from clean, subtle ads or from an onslaught? Maybe you're hoping for accidental clicks? I don't know the answers.
Thanks @autistic-anemoi. Could you confirm what mobile you're using and what browser you are using please?
Hi, this is Chrome, but it's technically the version that pops up within Gmail app on Android/Samsung smartphones. I don't know if that makes a lot of difference, but I got here by receiving an email notification from the forum. If I open this page in regular Chrome app, perhaps something different will happen?

Edit: I opened this page in regular Chrome app and it is not any better. It also seems that when navigating page to page, I get a popup ad each time that has to be closed in order to view and interact with the page. This is what it looks like as I am typing this reply:


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Hi, this is Chrome, but it's technically the version that pops up within Gmail app on Android/Samsung smartphones. I don't know if that makes a lot of difference, but I got here by receiving an email notification from the forum. If I open this page in regular Chrome app, perhaps something different will happen?

Edit: I opened this page in regular Chrome app and it is not any better. It also seems that when navigating page to page, I get a popup ad each time that has to be closed in order to view and interact with the page. This is what it looks like as I am typing this reply:
Thanks for the information @autistic-anemoi. I'll get this passed on to the ad network to look into
Hi @Satal,

This is how it looks on my iPhone 13 in Safari on iOS 15.6 as I am typing this reply.

On my PC running Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge version 103.0.1264.77 (Official build) (64-bit), the ads appear on the bottom and right side of the website as I am typing this reply.

As I do not have a PayPal account, I am using an adblocker as a workaround as you can see in the second screenshot.




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It's really bad on my phone. The adds make it nearly impossible to write a post. Like I'm experiencing right now. That's why I hardly ever post here.

While I have ad block on my PC, I've never been able to get it to work on my android. And I'm not too anxious to pay a memembership fee to a forum I hardly ever use because of so many extremely intrintrisive adds making being on AF such a headache.

I post to Wrong Planet ten times more than AF, because I don't have to fight my way around adds there.

I'm definitely getting a headache now, so time log out.

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