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Your forum has so many adverts that its annoyingly impenetrable

While I have ad block on my PC, I've never been able to get it to work on my android. And I'm not too anxious to pay a memembership fee to a forum I hardly ever use because of so many extremely intrintrisive adds making being on AF such a headache.
Try Firefox with uBlock Origin installed on it. I have Android and I gave it a try just out of curiosity (I wasn't logged in) to see if it would block the ads, and it did. No ads.
As I understand it, you only make money when somebody clicks on the ad. Do websites make more money from clean, subtle ads or from an onslaught? Maybe you're hoping for accidental clicks? I don't know the answers.
I would like the answer to this, too.

Do so many people really click on the ads to make it worthwhile paying for the advertising? I find it hard to believe that so many people would actually want to click on it. I suspect that most of the clicks are accidental. It's really easy to accidently click an ad on a phone (I think).
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It's really bad on my phone. The adds make it nearly impossible to write a post. Like I'm experiencing right now. That's why I hardly ever post here.

While I have ad block on my PC, I've never been able to get it to work on my android. And I'm not too anxious to pay a memembership fee to a forum I hardly ever use because of so many extremely intrintrisive adds making being on AF such a headache.

I post to Wrong Planet ten times more than AF, because I don't have to fight my way around adds there.

I'm definitely getting a headache now, so time log out.
Firefox on Mobile allows the use of uBlock Origin
If excessive ads motivates everyone to get an ad blocker then are you not shooting yourself in the foot?
Hi @Nitro,

With Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, the only way to stop the ads was to use an adblocker known as 'Adblock - best ad blocker'. That took care of all the ads on this site. Please see the screenshot.




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