Christians have a long history of demonizing whatever, and whoever, they could, and can, demonize. In this way Christianity can easily be called a demonic and demonizing religion. A religion that creates demons out of others, who just sort of happen to not be or become Christian or are otherwise, in mysterious ways, not part of the Christian god's almighty plan, although he is supposed to be almighty. He has however "given" humans free will, but we are not supposed to use it, because that is somehow wrong, no further explanation there. But "luckily" he has sent his son, who in more mysterious ways, is also him. Born by a virgin, of course, and so similar to other figures in pagan religions that are much older, connected to spring, resurrection and the cycles of life, it is "a bit" suspicious.

Christians have, off course, hijacked a lot of holidays and changed their names, and destroyed temples to make them into their own churches, and all of this in the name of their god, who they, for reasons now so obscure and impenetrably hidden, call good. A god by the way who told humans, according to the fictitious book "The Bible", that humans are not allowed to know good from evil, and when the snake offered humans to try to do exactly that, they were damned by this pretty angry figure called "God". He did however "create us in his own image", so if anyone can get any real sense out of that, all I can say is: Well done, well done indeed.
A couple of good book to read connected to this are 'The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World' by Catherine Nixey and 'Anathema Maranatha; Christianity and the Imprecatory Arts' by Martin Duffy.