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Have you ever been told you had a demon?

I remember that episode of Wagon Train. Not a bad episode at all!

It certainly isn't a bad episode. None of them really are. Life lessons are in every episode pretty well, considering that it's about a group working together to reach one sole destination by wagon.

Lessons that are need more today, than ever before. If I could be honest.

I have had some run ins with priests before who were exorcists. This is interesting and seems to genuinely help a small number of people, but I don't think it's good for the priests generally.

It helps me to remember the classical definition of evil as the absence of good, instead of a physical thing.

It is an interesting topic, definitely. Though such things cannot alway stop the willfulness of man. There are plenty that'll still do horrible things. Though some cases are not of the accord of our own will. Those times are when exorcism tend to be most important.

The topic reminds me of the horror movie, The Exorcist. And from what I understand, the movie is based on true events.
Perhaps what the real issue in this context isn't demons, but rather as someone else posted, demonization. Something that seems to happen all the time these days, particularly through the media.

Ridicule based on a lack of conformity relative to social, religious or political beliefs to the contrary.
It sounds more like a superstition then religion tbh. In many read thrus I can't remember a single instance of fear of water or uncomfortable clothes being mentioned.

And although I am sure you are very important, as we all are, I don't really see a demonic asset occupied by making your clothes itchy. Demons just don't grow on trees you know.
Yes, when I was growing up my mother thought I had been possessed. She had become very religious at that point, and I would wake up in the middle of the night to see her standing over my bed in the dark, trying to "cast the demons" out of me. Definitely damaged me more than helping anything.
My Mom actually told me this morning that my fear of water and tactile sensitivity is due to a demon either whispering in my ear or making me feel sensations on my skin. Isn’t that ridiculous?! I feel so invalidated. I think if a demon made me feel skin sensations then it would be something much worse! Have you ever been told something similar or had your experience of life invalidated?
My Mom actually told me this morning that my fear of water and tactile sensitivity is due to a demon either whispering in my ear or making me feel sensations on my skin. Isn’t that ridiculous?! I feel so invalidated. I think if a demon made me feel skin sensations then it would be something much worse! Have you ever been told something similar or had your experience of life invalidated?
This is so unfair and so demeaning of you. This is so othering - and has NOTHING to do with truth.
My Mom actually told me this morning that my fear of water and tactile sensitivity is due to a demon either whispering in my ear or making me feel sensations on my skin. Isn’t that ridiculous?! I feel so invalidated. I think if a demon made me feel skin sensations then it would be something much worse! Have you ever been told something similar or had your experience of life invalidated?
Yes it hurts to have all the hurt and pain that you have went through that you think is correct invalidated and made to look like it was a choice or something
But it is ridiculous to say anything about having a demon because of autistic behaviour
Do you think mental illness is demons or disabilities
You think that would have been cleansed long ago.
But plz always send me good vibes
Because there are demons in this world that go more than bump in the night only they forgot it and live numb
This is so unfair and so demeaning of you. This is so othering - and has NOTHING to do with truth.
Thank you! I appreciate this comment so much! I also explained to her my selective mutism as a child and she said it was normal. All my autism symptoms are normal to her or being controlled by a demon. So invalidating.
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It's horrifying to hear people get called "demonic" for having something out of their control.

I used to feel evil and disgusting in the past because of things i cant control, like my stims and obsessions. Lately i have been researching the topics of developmental disorders, disabilities and illnesses in my religion, and it is mostly treated like a tribulation from God.

Actually not the disability itself, but the difficulties that come with it, is treated like a test that will make you a better person and have a better afterlife. It comforted me a lot
And then there is the perspective of Hasidi Jews and other ultraorthodox Jews, many of who think that autism is actually a gift from their deity, and that autistics have a special connection to G-d and are revered accordingly. It always helps to remember that extremist Christianity does not have a monopoly on the way some people are viewed. For a century Mormonism taught that Black people were cursed by God and that dark skin was the mark of the beast. Around 50 years ago the faith repealed that belief, and Black Mormons do exist, although they are small in number. Religion likes to view itself as permanent and unchanging, but it does eventually come around. Also, the views of Evangelicals can be very different from liberal Protestants and Catholics.

Have you ever been told you had a demon?

Yes. When I was still struggling with addiction, I was told that I was likely a host to a demon. The person offered to help me fight it but warned about the great toll that would take on both of us. Fortunately, I was not at an impressionable stage in my life. I said I didn't want to fight demons because the demons were my friends.
My sister had them in her old flat. Due to this scary discovery, she had the property blessed.

She took photos in the dark, then noticed faces with red eyes in the pictures.
Sometimes demons can get the terrible experience of being possessed by a human. Then all of a sudden some freely living demon sits at a desk in Wyoming doing the work of an accountant, which, of course, is horrifying to it. So I say: Free the demons too! :)
My sister took pictures of her son in his crib. She claims a weird lady lived in the flat before her who was into the occult, and then these pictures she took had noticeable faces on her wall. Skulls, and a face with glowing eyes and a witch like nose.

That was like the most bizarre thing I ever saw. So, yes. They are certainly real, and not just make believe entities.
I had a religious co worker, he kept talking to me about the bible. This went on for weeks and he kept quoting Job and I kept telling him to leave me alone, he wouldn't, so I cussed him out. Then he accused me of stealing his pills and "putting liquid in his car"
He also asked if I was scared of him. I was actually. And to get to your question he finally called me the Spawn of Satan when I told him to leave me alone.

I cannot believe this actually happened thinking about it, but I still have the incident reports.
People have an interest in mediumship, as they may believe loved ones are still present. Bible passages state this is going against God's rules, and is also dangerous, with the people practicing this branded as evil and to be stoned to death.

It is also fake, at times. They usually just guess things, or research your life before you see them.

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