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Have you ever been told you had a demon?

People have an interest in mediumship, as they may believe loved ones are still present. Bible passages state this is going against God's rules, and is also dangerous, with the people practicing this branded as evil and to be stoned to death.

It is also fake, at times. They usually just guess things, or research your life before you see them.
Bible passages state a lot of things. None of them relevant to humans now.
Nobody has ever told me I have a demon. But for other conditions like my Anorexia they think it's well it's not from God and it's not, some of it is as it is connected to my senses but it is more on top of it with Anorexia the behaviours like weighing etc that's anxiety for me as well but a normal behaviour as well. Well, it has behaved like a demon a bit it has killed some people but I wouldn't call it that it's no entity but I have wondered at times. It can talk as well. It used to insult me and bully me so much in my 20s cause me to bang my head at least once and called me fat non stop and it hounded me to exercise hours a day and more and acting like a slave driver. It has stolen joy that God wanted to give to me. Now it is still extreme but the name calling has reduced. Wondered where it has gone to sometimes. But my parents have gone to lenghts to get rid of it. I was taken to a deliverance at least five at one point and it annoyed me and the NHS didn't agree with it. I had a small animal sacrifice carried out against my wishes and my clothes was destroyed and this was carried out by a family member. There was oracles and sand again I don't agree with that and know God will not answer that. I have not wanted it to go so God has never responded to them fully. My family member was exhausted after me having an ed since 14 and I was 40 then but now 51.

Demons used to really frighten me and I avoided hearing anything about it.
Autism well it is more recent in my family for me and my parents have never heard of it so don't see as a demon.
I don't mind deliverances that don't exhaust a person and that go along with the word of God and the New Testament. Clearly blood animal offerings and using sand is not for God.

I admire Thersa of Avila, she is a saint. I loved it when I read she loves holy water as the demons hate it more than the cross of Jesus. I ask for Holy water at times, just to bless it and used it in my home and used it for me just for spiritual refreshment.
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My family was aware I had (and still have) mental illnesses and stuff. They still support me and even if I acted out (anger and frustration outburst. Never physically at others! But verbally...) as soon as my head got clearer I apologized. (Not wanting them to think my behaviour is their fault.)(but since things happen...other family members dont seem to understand this as well today...life got difficult. I guess only my mom understood me enough. Shes gone now, so im basically just a "lazy angry freak" now and not a "human" anymore.)

Well, but even knowing im just having stress and depression, my mom still sometimes felt like Im fighting some sort of demon, that keeps me from going forward...which was not really helpfull, because I constantly developed myself and knew that im still going forward, even if I sometimes fell back, I still got better. No matter how slow it was.
Its just... my sudden outbursts, which get triggered my misunderstanding me and me constantly begging to just start listening and trusting me... uhm...
In short, my sudden "mood changes"/"-irrational- anger" and frustration that exploded because it was just too much piled up, made it seem for others, as if Im posessed by something evil that keeped tearing me down and let me explode.

From the outside it must haved looked like that. But from the inside it was clear that it was a reaction to the outside and the misunderstanding of howI I function as a human being. (That has autism, which means I react faster/slower to certain things then others do.)

My mother never said it out f menace, but out of worry and love for me.
No matter how much I assured her that Im fine and just need some distraction and time to calm down. The demon thing never really left her mind. Until she died.
I dont feel possed by a supernatural being, but by my frustration and hate that build up my entire life. Hate feels sickening, its horrible. The thing is... no matter how happy i am, the hate gets build up again and again as soon as others start to compare me to others again.
Uts a constant battle. And i havent learned yet to not value the words of my loved ones if its harmfull to me.
They dont mean harm, they are just worry and dont trust me at all.
Hard conditions to learn to accept oneself. There are alot of verbal fights.
Somehow i feel like a demon that terrorizes the ones i love. I try so hard to change, but to still be who i am... its not easy if one is the only one to care. Why do i love my idiots that lack insight.
Well, im weak for idiots. But its such a pain in the aaaaaa-

Ah. There is something else too.
There was a weird Lady that called my mother a satan. Which made me oddly happy, because in my opinion a satan isnt an entity that tries to wreck you, but to test you, dedicated to god (whatever people see as god. The universe, or some perfect being or belief system, not important!!!)
And to think, to be a spawn of that meaning, to be kinda one myself was magnificent to me. (Except that my mom felt hurt by that statement of this mean delusional lady. My mom was an angel! Kindest woman I ever knew!)
I like to test the thoughts of people, to see how open minded they can be. And if they are just doing what other tells them to do, or if they decided on their own, what to think and do. Its interesting tk see if they get annoyed and accuse you to be evil (even tho you just keep asking questions and watching their reaction!).
To watch them. To see. If they do or not.
Not mindlessly following what an old book or random religion says, but to understand the message and its meaning. To see if they are able to grasp whats really important, or not.

(I have a hard time to indentify if im religious or not. Because in my own way im probably very religious. But im not religious the way some weirdos are. Weirdos who discriminate and hate, just because they believe in an outdated book that was written and abused and manipulated by some people, who some might had ulterior intentions, written for some people for several reasons. Some might good some not.
lm not stupid enough to hate someone just because hes somehow 'different' then the "pseudo average" or me. Im not discriminating others just because a book tells me too for unspecified reasons, which is so old one can interpred it how they want, even in way that are forbiden. Thats nuts. At least to me its nuts. I have a brain, i like to use it.) (Ps.: im pretty sure those super conversative christians have no idea that they (the ones that get mastruations) have to offer a sacrifice everytime their periods are over. Its writen in the bible. In Levicus.
And when a guy shoots his goo hes considert unclean at least for a day and has to take a bath. Its the rule. Theres sooo much weird stuff in it <some, im sure out of hygenic and medical stuff, is to prevent infectious diseasses, like HIV or TB. well they basicaly say that out right.> like not sitting on the same chair as a woman on her periods...cuz its uncleaaaaaan!!! Its kinda a stretch, but there were older times. They just saw some things and assumed and were sometimes close and sometimes not.
But at least they tried.

... but those converative today are all over the place acting like the bible is the only truth, but they dont even do the stuff thats written in it. Dudes, if you want to be so weirdly commited, to be such annoying, discriminating, irrational people, then commit to the weird menstruation and men goo stuff tooo. And dare not to have fun in the bed in the adult way unless you do a child. CUZ THIS IS LUST. so its a baddie sin.
and you want to be a good sheep...<i apologize for the ridicule. Im just so feed up with their selectivness and weird stubborness. it makes sooo not sense. >)

..oh theres also alot that hints on to prevent psychological problems in the bible, and so. Its actually quit interesting to read religious books to look at it in a medical and psychological way...im drifing away from the topic again.

Well... in short.
Im human. Not demon.
Was called demon.
Indirectly also called a spawn of satan, which fits in the old meaning of the word. (Not the evil warped version of meaning today!)

....I also was called a goblin at one point as child, for some reason. ...no, I have no idea why.
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My sister had a few in her flat and it had to be blessed. A priest was informed and she noticed them, so she cast them out.

Apparently, a previous tenant used to play with a witch board. How scary is that?
You know. I haven't talked specifically about me on this, despite posting. I should rectify that. Especially now that I know a little better what to say.

I do feel there is aspect of me, I see as demonic. Only because I grew up confused about willpower, personal thought, and anger. Val-Se was my creation that represents those things. They are my demon. I have a few psychological demons too. But they are not like Val. Val is me. Or more specifically. A more confident, in your face, version of me. A punk that does what they want because they can. And knows themself to a degree where no one can sway them otherwise.

I, in some way, have decided that I don't want to change that veiw of Val. It would break what they are, thus break who I could be. Confident. Knowing myself. Being what I'd like to be.

In some way it's aligorical that they are a demon. Because there will be some who will dislike me for being me. I'll be the bad guy in thier world. A villain.

And my response would be "Whatever. See me as you will."

It's actually funny that my Uncle has asked if I have some kinda demon in me making me the 'weirdo' I tend to be. Yes and no.
I wrote in this thread earlier and it was not about autism really, but one of my comorbs which I have had since 14, but had issues going back with feeding till 8 and I was really like many a very bland eater in my early childhood. Especially in my younger life I felt split at times somewhere between the science views regards my disorder and my parents who were very religious. I could never relate really especially with my own story calling my disorder a sin and I also see it as a disorder. However, lately I have been listening to the religion channel on Sky and heard the term bondage and for the first time I really could relate to that term. Many people deal with their own bondages and are like slaves to it. Bondage for some people can be caused by trauma as well. Each case will be unique. The Book of Galatians 5:1 mentions about being a slave to bondage. It breaks it down for me and removes it slightly from being just a disorder to being something that God would want to release many people from.
I read this story of this 24 year old woman who died and I just felt like she was used as a slave. Pounding the streets like that for miles. It was such a shame.
Maria Jakes: Anorexic patient 'reported own weight to doctors'
Jesus does still walk with people who are dealing with their own bondages.
I wrote in this thread earlier and it was not about autism really, but one of my comorbs which I have had since 14, but had issues going back with feeding till 8 and I was really like many a very bland eater in my early childhood. Especially in my younger life I felt split at times somewhere between the science views regards my disorder and my parents who were very religious. I could never relate really especially with my own story calling my disorder a sin and I also see it as a disorder. However, lately I have been listening to the religion channel on Sky and heard the term bondage and for the first time I really could relate to that term. Many people deal with their own bondages and are like slaves to it. Bondage for some people can be caused by trauma as well. Each case will be unique. The Book of Galatians 5:1 mentions about being a slave to bondage. It breaks it down for me and removes it slightly from being just a disorder to being something that God would want to release many people from.
I read this story of this 24 year old woman who died and I just felt like she was used as a slave. Pounding the streets like that for miles. It was such a shame.
Maria Jakes: Anorexic patient 'reported own weight to doctors'
Jesus does still walk with people who are dealing with their own bondages.

Weird place to talk about this, but christians can have 'spiritual issues'' as well, i am in a path of being set free with the help of the Holy spirit.
Weird place to talk about this, but christians can have 'spiritual issues'' as well, i am in a path of being set free with the help of the Holy spirit.
May you be set free. In the Bible and even Saints, Blessed and Venerables had some spiritual issues themselves like Blessed Marcus Callo who suffered from chronic depression and Jesus had very compassionate words for him. The lists goes on. But Jesus told him to go out and see family and friends and that depression wasn't good. As human beings most of us have our issues of some description. I wish well with destroying yoors with the help of the Holy Spirit and I am sure God will be ready as well. Good luck
May you be set free. In the Bible and even Saints, Blessed and Venerables had some spiritual issues themselves like Blessed Marcus Callo who suffered from chronic depression and Jesus had very compassionate words for him. The lists goes on. But Jesus told him to go out and see family and friends and that depression wasn't good. As human beings most of us have our issues of some description. I wish well with destroying yoors with the help of the Holy Spirit and I am sure God will be ready as well. Good luck

A lot of times is not the person fault, people can be victims of spiritual attacks and things they drag from before. (weird place to talk about this, but i don't care right now).
A lot of times is not the person fault, people can be victims of spiritual attacks and things they drag from before. (weird place to talk about this, but i don't care right now).
Exactly! I am in the cinema now and it's fun but kind of dragging for me. So I am breaking it up a bit. I used to be really scared of things like spiritual attacks and even discussing Satan. I was so scared after I wrote my testimony at first but have buckled up now and no longer have those fears. It was like I was leaking secrets all over and Satan would get mad at me. I have heard that it if you are meant to serve God in some way then you will likely face these attacks. People have said I have enough and I cannot work it out as I have really done nothing for God and I am disabled by my conditions so like why .me. But God defends me so valiantly all the time with the Holy Spirit. That doesn't mean I always get what I want and he is strict with me at times hut he acts like a loving father. I have had some battles in my life and I have been told I will get spiritual freedom. Makes sense about the protective element of the Holy Spirit but that's kind of beyond my realm of understanding. Keep fighting God is watching all the time and defending you.
Sorry about typos if any. Cannot check where I am.
Exactly! I am in the cinema now and it's fun but kind of dragging for me. So I am breaking it up a bit. I used to be really scared of things like spiritual attacks and even discussing Satan. I was so scared after I wrote my testimony at first but have buckled up now and no longer have those fears. It was like I was leaking secrets all over and Satan would get mad at me. I have heard that it if you are meant to serve God in some way then you will likely face these attacks. People have said I have enough and I cannot work it out as I have really done nothing for God and I am disabled by my conditions so like why .me. But God defends me so valiantly all the time with the Holy Spirit. That doesn't mean I always get what I want and he is strict with me at times hut he acts like a loving father. I have had some battles in my life and I have been told I will get spiritual freedom. Makes sense about the protective element of the Holy Spirit but that's kind of beyond my realm of understanding. Keep fighting God is watching all the time and defending you.
Sorry about typos if any. Cannot check where I am.

Going to a 'spirit filled' church can make a difference even if people don't understand you, God does. And if there is gifts working in that church and His presence, thats an opportunity to grow with God.
Going to a 'spirit filled' church can make a difference even if people don't understand you, God does. And if there is gifts working in that church and His presence, thats an opportunity to grow with God.
Thank you, I feel sometimes I should to go two church's. I love the Anglican church I attend just for 30 minutes. The rector is so humble and Godly. I adore her. She is my spiritual adviser. She is younger than me, but much older in spirit and a true servant of God. Even wanted to come round once and drive out any dark forces. I declined. I get holy water blessed in the church every month. What more could I want. I believe the Holy Spirit can visit all church's if they are worshipping appropiately. There are loads of younger people in spirit filled church's and some are 3 hours plus. I just don't have in me now in my early 50s. I feel like I am running away sometimes. But, there are loads of people who can serve that role. I don't know, but I don't think I was meant to serve that way, but just be defended with a free spirit and do what I can. My health isnt great.. My weight is very low. If things got better, who knows. There are things I have left unsaid. I am just a vessel for God and we are all made from dust. God will have the last word on my life for sure. Going to two church's would be like a job once a week. Charamistic Catholic church's are growing in the US, but I haven't seen any in the UK, they would probably only last for an hour. My rector knows now I am looking for the yoke of my back with bondage.
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I just wanted to add this. Whatever affliction you deal with whether bandage, sin or some kind of possession and have been battling with it will come to and end. For some personally as someone who has dealt with bandage and although it is a condition my co conditions I can feel like at times like I can get drained by wanting it declaring it to God but slipping. God sees the heart my desire is true and I reached peace with this today by thinking God knows exactly how and when this will end and I do not really to be in sorrow about it although it's kind of inevitable at times a balance needs to be made
There are some Saints who have had issues with fading as using food as a control. The Great Catherine Sinenna and there are more. She didn't have this worldly with the scales anorexia nervosa though but may be would have been miracles. She kneed was worshipping and serving God. Me now I'm a parishioner who is doing their best with what was freely given to them and out of love for others and God. I come last. Let that light shine and as. a Christian I say this. There are so many talents and even helping and faith are. Keep on.
I thought I got the errors out on my phone. I am very hesistant to try on my phone again. My phone changed my words, if it was auto correct I will think about it.
Saint Catherine Siena was reported to have Anorexia mirabilis not miracles. That is only one I will attempt to correct. She died at a very low weight and had a lot of health complications but was a true servant and should be known for her work and faith. She controlled her food/body to ward of a potential suitor and it seemed to start from there. It was reported she was fed many times through the Eucharist. That is there blessing not mine. I went to pallative really by a judges hand and I need susitance even though God has spoken at a time that will be destroyed. Everyone has their own path. I was sleeping for weeks but was woken and started to eat. No more judges. God is my only one.
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This is an observation I have made which is not worthy of a new thread. It shows about the uniqueness of humankind.
From a biblical standpoint in the New Testament in the King James version the cure for epilepsy/seizure for one boy is prayer and fasting to release the spirit the Bible states Matthew 17:21
"However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

However, just looking in one of my books God's Wild Flowers Saints With Disabilities a Blessed called Amadeus IX of Savoy suffered from epilepsy. This was a holy person of God who lived I would think before medication was used to treat this condition. I am pretty much sure they would have tried fasting. They suffered from epilepsy but clearly of a different than above origin needing resolution. They seemed to co-exist with their conditions. I read no mention of them being healed from this in their lifetime.
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Accounts written by religious people do not usually stand up to rigorous fact-based analysis.

The mere fact that someone said, "God did it" does not mean that it is true.
Accounts written by religious people do not usually stand up to rigorous fact-based analysis.

The mere fact that someone said, "God did it" does not mean that it is true.

Allow me to present a counter-perspective.

Secular cultures are a recent phenomenon.

Secular cultures are predominantly Western.

Western cultures are predominantly Christian.

The New Testament predicted an era where demon possession would be gone, until the actual end times.

So, in that lens, secularity is a privilege of Christianity because the Holy Spirit makes room for a culture that is not at the mercy of capricious gods and evil spirits.

I am not asserting this is true. I don't know nearly enough about non-Western cultures to make a blanket statement like that. But it is a convenient explanation that does not necessitate that we treat every other non-Western culture in history as an idiot.

Oracle at Delphi
Thus proving my point -- note how these 'prophesies' come to us in the present day long after the events they predicted had transpired.

Jeanne Dixon with her "Gift of Prophesy" used to do this too. An event would occur, and then she would announce her prediction of it.
This is an observation I have made which is not worthy of a new thread. It shows about the uniqueness of humankind.
From a biblical standpoint in the New Testament in the King James version the cure for epilepsy/seizure for one boy is prayer and fasting to release the spirit the Bible states Matthew 17:21
"However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

However, just looking in one of my books God's Wild Flowers Saints With Disabilities a Blessed called Amadeus IX of Savoy suffered from epilepsy. This was a holy person of God who lived I would think before medication was used to treat this condition. I am pretty much sure they would have tried fasting. They suffered from epilepsy but clearly of a different than above origin needing resolution. They seemed to co-exist with their conditions. I read no mention of them being healed from this in their lifetime.
When I posted I just had a good hunch that Blessed Amadeus IX of Savoy would have likely tried to fast. I researched this after I posted more properly and indeed it is documented that they did try fasting. They also have had miracles attritubted to them as well I learnt. The end of their life was difficult through illness but they reached inner peace with it spiritually as well. It is strange though how two paths can be so different.
To read more about them you can do so here.
Blessed Amadeus, Duke of Savoy - March 30
Not exactly. I was told that the “Devil” hit a hold on me and was making me think I was gay and that it was all a trick. This led to a year and a half of me feeling very confused as to why I still felt the same every single time that the youth pastor who told me that lie “prayed” for my soul and for me to change. Turns out there was nothing wrong with me and I wasn’t the one that needed to change.

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