There is actually a strain of "thought" in the far right Evangelical Christian strain of American Christianity that says that autism (and all other disabilities) is caused by demonic possession. Some believe that disability is the result of evil influences that a person has "voluntarily summoned".
America has some real weirdos, and Evangelical Christianity seems to be a magnet for them. If a person wants to believe that Jesus saved their lives/souls, that's their right, and I don't mind. If they want to peacefully approach random people on street corners and tell them to give their hearts to Jesus, that's ok too, although they should consider what Jesus himself said about street preaching, as recorded in the Book of Matthew.
When it gets into screaming at people incessantly that they are full of the Devil and must repent NOW or else they will spend eternity in the lake of fire, that crosses a line. Parents who constantly put the fear of Hell and demons into their kids, or even worse tell a kid that such things as being non-gender-conforming or autistic or mentally ill is possession by the Devil requiring exorcism, that is child abuse IMO.
My father was terrified of Satan for reasons I will never know, and as he sunk deeper into schizophrenia during my college years he started insisting that I was possessed, that he was possessed, that his house was possessed. That wasn't malice, that was mental illness.
When it gets into screaming at people incessantly that they are full of the Devil and must repent NOW or else they will spend eternity in the lake of fire, that crosses a line. Parents who constantly put the fear of Hell and demons into their kids, or even worse tell a kid that such things as being non-gender-conforming or autistic or mentally ill is possession by the Devil requiring exorcism, that is child abuse IMO.
I'm not sure if I copied the portion of the post correctly, I'm still kind of new to this website. Anyway, what denomination you're referring to? If they have a branch in my city, I'll gladly visit them to observe this mass madness.