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  • I just had the yummiest cheesecake ever!
    I just had lemon cake. Cheesecake is good too. I usually have cheesecake for my birthday.
    I've had some homemade Dutch Apple Pie recently. Though the past few days have been store bought cookies.

    But yeah. Cheesecake is always delicious.
    My package couldn't be delivered to me today due to animal interference. I only have an indoor cat, but we have several stray cats in my neighborhood, as well as at least one skunk, so I understand why. Hopefully, I get it tomorrow.
    There are that many running loose?
    No, but I don't always like dogs, nor do I like the owners who let their dogs wreak havoc in the neighborhood, sometimes killing cats and other animals. Especially pit bulls.
    I especially don't like how loud some dogs can be. I have very sensitive hearing, and freak out when one barks his head off.
    The past two years, I have been dealing with death left and right; my paternal grandfather, my beloved cat Kiki, my maternal grandmother, my mom's bestie, and now my uncle. It has affected my sleep cycle to the point where I sometimes stay up all night. Doctor has prescribed me melatonin and one other med. I am honestly having doubts about everything now.
    I am so sorry that you have been suffering so much loss. I hope things will get better for you soon.
    I hate winter so much, it shouldn't even exist in the first place
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm the opposite. I hate summer. I'd love to live in a place with winter all year long, rains and snow and storms.
    It's genetics I think. I have low tolerance for heat. Also related to the fact that we don't get a lot of rain (and definitely never snow) where I live.
    Is unhappy that snow exists in the first place. Why are there so many people who like snow when all it really does is cause accidents widespread.
    There is a beauty to it, but I'd gladly enjoy it in photos only.
    I just know that I am gonna have a meltdown if I go to this stupid Christmas party tonight. It's complete bull that my uncle had to die close to Christmas.
    My paraplegic uncle passed away today. I hate that it has to happen, especially since my ex gaslit me into thinking that his eventual death is all my fault.
    My condolences. I am sorry also for what happened with your ex. Sometimes it is hard to think rationally when someone gaslights you, but these thoughts are not reality.
    I am so sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹
    Thank you both. Due to the intense grief, I probably won't go to my family's annual Christmas Eve party, all it's gonna do is increase the odds of my having a meltdown and lashing out at everyone. My mom is begging me to go, yet she doesn't always understand what goes on in my mind on a daily basis when I'm upset.
    I wish all cats and dogs are immortal, and I don't want to hear otherwise!
    As I tell my brother all the time, no one's telling you not to wish!
    I need to have a talk with 10 y/o me; apparently she thinks Teletubbies were the best thing since sliced bread, I just find them creepy nowadays.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    They're stupid annoying things. I much prefer the Tweenies, in fact I still watch them now, I mean at least they act like normal human beings and are cute and funny and kids can actually learn more from them than stupid Teletubbies lol
    They kind of are, but I would love to see a teletubbies remake, like a parody. Something bizarre like the Pikachu Detective Movie. What if the Teletubbies make it into our world and they need to find ways to survive, the drink alcohol and become deranged. That would be fun to watch.
    Not having a good day right now. I keep thinking of the people in my life who I don't even care about anymore, whether they are mean or just plain annoying. I hate those people, and wish I never see or hear from again.
    It happens to all of us, I think. It's hard to move away from those negative thoughts. I think it's because we may have too much resentment and never had any sort of closure, closure as in telling those people how much we dislike them and why.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I look at there pictures and resonate. Then feel bad and look at videos, socials of other people having fun with friends then I go on Reddit and other negative people and read there misery.
    Sorry all, that was the PMDD doing all the talking, I am doing better
    I want to buy Pokemon cards real bad, but I can't buy any until around Christmas, because my mother says it's morally wrong to buy leisurely things for yourself during the holidays. Plus, mail is supposed to be super busy during this time.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    Really? I bought myself gifts last Christmas because most of my family agreed on not buying gifts for each other but I still wanted to have some presents to open on Christmas day, so I bought myself some things I really wanted and kept them wrapped up under the Christmas tree. It still made it exciting.
    I know it's a bit early for Christmas shopping talk, but I am thinking of shopping in person this year. This is mainly because my brother ordered a Christmas gift online for his eldest daughter (probably Amazon), and it got lost, so he had to get another one. Plus, not only do I get the gift right after paying instead of waiting, but I get to support a small business as well.
    Quote of the day: I don't need to die because I am already in Hell
    Hell does exist for us.
    When I was a young adult I remember telling an Evangelical Christian that I had no fear of his Hell because there was no way it could be worse than my life on earth.
    I hate my landlord so damned much! Ever since I moved back in with my parents, he has been a real jerk, and often assumed that I am a squatter, even though I pay rent. And I can't move because I can't afford it right now, and because of stupid waiting lists. I hope bad things happen to him!
    Landlords and tapeworms are two forms of the same class.
    The word "landlord" is rooted in the Dark Ages and the system of sovereign estates that emerged after the disintegration of the Roman Empire. People fleeing barbarian raids took refuge in the estates, then learned they could not leave. They eventually became serfs, whose allegiance was to the landholding nobility.
    They were assigned a chunk of land to grow food for the lord, and got to keep a little for themselves. Thus, the "land" was owned by a "lord", and the tenants were his property, who worked his land for his benefit. Understanding stuff like this can be insightful.
    Stupid fuse blew in my room, and so far, nothing is coming back on. I would rather not tell the landlord because he is an ableist jerk who assumes I am a squatter even though I pay rent.
    That seems like a weird thing for him to think.
    Has he said that to you?
    Or said that about you to anyone else?
    Sorry for the late reply. He hasn't said it to my face, but the fact that he raised the rent about a year after I moved in, as well as a letter from him meant for my parents makes me think so.
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