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Nervous Rex

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  • Your mesmo avatar is showing up as animated in all cases, now.
    (It used to be still in most cases...)
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    Nice! I stole it from some other website because I couldn't stop staring at it. I've got no mechanical skill at all, but I would love to figure out how to make this in real life. Someday...when I have time and energy that I don't have now...
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex

    This one, too. I could stare at it for hours and I want one in real life.
    My morning routine keeps getting longer. I now do seven online puzzles every day, read for 10 minutes, and listen to a 15-minute podcast. I can’t figure out what to cut out.
    Oh, I know about needing to be careful about things becoming compulsions, that is best to deal with before it become a problem... nice that there is also some good in it - I like puzzles too :)
    Sounds nice to have routines in the morning.
    that just shows you’re taking care of your needs first 😊
    I have been talked down to, patronized, and insulted, but never so much as when the self-checkout station tells me to “place item in bag or cart, then scan next item” for 15 items in a row. Like, “I got it the first time. You can shut up now.”
    Lol. I actually prefer the self checkout though. I don't normally have issues with them and they're quicker. However I will say the times I do have issues with them it's always them telling me to put the item in the bagging area. I think it's because it's weighing everything to make sure a person doesn't not pay for an item.
    I've learned that most of those stations have volume controls, where you can actually mute her voice!
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    Oh! I need to learn how to do that! I was thrilled to learn what button mutes the ads at the gas pump at the gas station near me (Maverik gas station, top right button at the pump).
    My brain is so weird. I woke up in the middle of the night and in my half-awake state I thought, "Oh, it looks like I fell awake."
    Watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy with my wife for the bajillionth time. We usually take about a week to watch the whole thing. Don’t be hasty!
    A friend just told me that he missed me in some meetings that I used to attend because when I was there he “didn’t feel weird.” That’s a compliment, right?
    I think so? I think I am that person for people, too. Let’s take it as compliment.
    I’m also that person for people. I agree that we should take it as a compliment.
    My friends may feel weird when I’m not around, but they’re certainly going to be bored :)
    I am an absolute master at putting my foot in my mouth. In any social setting, I can find the most optimally wrong thing to say. The only reliable defense I can find is to keep my mouth shut and never say anything.
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