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Nervous Rex

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  • I have interviews and any situation like them where I feel like I'm being put on the spot. I try to look calm and collected, but it makes me slowly build up adrenaline so that by the time it's over, I am shaky and anxious. It takes so long to recover from.
    I’m left-handed, but right-elbowed
    How does that work?
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    It doesn’t. It’s just me being nonsensical.
    Oh. OK. It might have been like how I am right handed and was surprised that it's easier to stand on my left leg and do an exercise than it is to stand on my right leg to do the same type exercise. (Point toes and inscribe circles, about a foot off the ground, leg out stretched.)
    Just finish a work course on microagressions, sensitivity, etc. I didn't get about half of it, but I am apparently now "trained".
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    I always try to be respectful and kind - I have a personal goal to be known as one of the nicest people in the company. But this training had such subtle differences in the responses that I could choose from, that I had a hard time telling why one answer was right and the other was wrong. It's just too finely nuanced for me.

    Also, apparently, not making eye contact is a microagression.
    That is a personal goal of mine too- I always want to be kind :)
    Sounds like that training may have taken it a step over the line though… and not accommodating to autistic people- Not making eye contact?? What??
    Remember keep YOUR personal boundaries don't be a people pleaser you'll implode if you do that
    If you stand before a mirror in the dark at midnight and say “X=(-b+/-(b^2-4ac)^0.5)/2a” three times, I will appear and spout random math.
    Hey, daddio, you DO know that "quadratic" is based on the Latin word for "square," don't you...? 8-)>
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    No, I didn’t! Thanks for that.
    One of my most favorite parts of my day is going to sleep. My least favorite part of my day is going to bed and waiting to go to sleep.
    With all of the Karma you have received, you must be an amazing person who others like to interact with
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    Thanks. Others have more karma than me, but I do try to keep my comments positive and focus on solutions, not problems.
    It seems he loves being supportive and loves helping others!
    Pro tip: The time I spend on this page on any single day is a direct measure of how difficult it is for me to focus on actual work that day.
    Re-reading The Complete Far Side and laughing like a 10-year-old boy. Gary Larson, wherever you are, you're a genius!
    I love that guy, he's an absolute favourite.
    I wish society was more accepting of neurodiversity. I also wish all the lights in my house took the same type of bulb.
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