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Nervous Rex

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  • 58 seconds into "Steady as She Goes" by the Raconteurs they say, "you've had too much to think". I'm going to start using that phrase.
    Just finished rewatching Firefly and Serenity for the first time in about 10 years. Still just as shiny as ever.
    Every time I see Nathan Fillion in a new acting gig I want to scream, "Mal, how could you do this to us?" But yeah, it wasn't his fault.
    I do exactly the same. He's a decent actor, but every time I see him I find myself exclaiming to my wife "it's the guy from Firefly!"
    Last time was in "Santa Clarita Diet" :)
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    I've considered watching Castle, just because it has Nathan Fillion in it.
    When I am consuming, I am not creating. In order for me to do anything creative, I have to choose not to consume [TV, books, etc].
    Excellent signature, too.
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    I don't know. I heard it from a friend of mine. I think it's one of the wisest things I've ever heard. So I stole it.

    If I ever post anything wise or insightful, you can be absolutely certain I stole it from someone else.
    Dude! That Avatar is Wicked!
    Love it!
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    Thanks. I can't take credit for it. Someone else had it as their avatar on another site years ago. I found it so mesmerizing, I downloaded it and kept it.
    Your animated avatar is pretty mesmerizing.
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    Thanks. I can't remember where I stole it from. It was someone else's avatar, and I liked it so much, I downloaded it.
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