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  • I hope I can get a job & then watch the bottom fall out of the housing market. A home is where hearth & family are--It's not capital investments; it's a human right.
    (If you are an investor & find this post offensive--Good.)
    Work of 3 weeks setback, depressive state returning. Deep distrust, isolation. Time to work on changing that.
    I appreciate your attitude. Recognize the hardship, but keep moving forward. Keep your eyes on the horizon where there is definitely hope for change.
    Finally. Someone bought a very expensive item from me but he actually paid me this time unlike the other guy. Thank goodness.
    It was a $600 record player. I have to crate it & ship it but at least it's money.
    James McMurtry wore a dress to protest Florida's drag laws. He's a rough, tough country music singer. Would that mean he is 'the Old Rugged Cross(dresser)?' The world wonders!
    How do kilts feature in these drag bans?
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I do wonder a little if it makes a difference. I could put on a dress right now, but I think it would just upset people more than it would help anything. I don't have the legs for it. ;)
    Maybe upsetting a few people is the point. Whatever it was, I thought it interesting because country music in the 1920s and '30s had elements of protest music in it. This is a bit of a throwback to country's roots, in that sense, but in a lot of other senses a very 21st-century concern.
    Attacking at trans people is going to hurt a lot of autistics.
    Went to work on the car. Washed it, went to turn the water hose off, & by the time I got back a bird had crapped right in the middle of what I washed. They never fly low enough to spray them with the water hose--but I don't want to scare them in case one of them has the runs.
    My car broke down -- I tried fixing it & made it worse. So I've been walking everywhere. Pet ALL the dogs. Meet ALL the neighbors. See ALL the birds and the blue sky & count the bullfrog tadpoles in the creek. I should let it break down more often.
    Ran 1/2mi. this morning which felt pretty great, pet all the dogs, said hi to my friends & the neighbors, got stuff done. A good start to the day I think. Trying to keep the blues away.
    Now to get some boxes packed, see about repairing the car (again), get to the Post Office (again), and all that--
    To: Linux. Re: function. Dear Ubuntu 22.04.1., you will not win. I will beat you. Strong letter to follow.
    I've got to go to the post-office today.
    I hate our post office, but Monday, l flew thru the line. What a relief.
    The local post office here has a memento of the mail carrier who used to deliver to
    our route. The flamingo he had attached to his truck. They change costumes & accessories
    on the flamingo, according to season.
    Our mail delivery employees get arrested for stealing gift cards, the lastest arrest was 60,000 dollars in checks were stolen. It's Florida. There is always something coming down.
    why is it so much fun to play an instrument, even (very) badly? It just seems like a good thing to do.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Why? Because it is pleasant learning a new song or just practicing licks. I like that for the banjo, notation is usually in tablature since I am poor at reading standard notation.
    Company questionnaires on job applications are annoying. "Describe yourself." Look--Philosophers have fought this for centuries, & you think I can cook up an answer in 15 minutes to sell termite powder? Nobody's that smart.
    Courage is the ability to walk away and not answer your your stupid job application questions, but having courage is over-rated.
    @Aspychata I am strictly mercenary & would prefer to actually have a job again though. I like working & I like having money; I just hate "the workplace world" and all that silliness of paperwork that goes with.
    True dat- l love working, just don't like the pile that accompanied it
    I'm filing my taxes, which I hate, and the doing of it is a lot less a stress than the preparation to do it. Executive functioning was never a strong point--I can't often "start" things, which is weird, cause I can actually do them.
    Starting to wonder what actually makes executive functioning, functional. I tend to have zero or less than zero skills on paperwork (I either freeze up, or do it wrong.) This year went great--Returns filed, all that--but now I'm curious as to what makes people tick. How do NT's & successful ASD folks keep it together.
    This might take a few months to figure out but I cannot tell how we manage to be the most motivated people in the world, over special-interests, and simultaneously lost when working on something important to just getting by. There's something missing here; I just don't know what it is yet.
    I can't find my glasses but I did have a good night last night. This is a nice morning. happy Palm Sunday for anyone on the Gregorian calendar.
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