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  • To any prospective pirate captains out there wanting to improve housekeeping, please remind your crews that "poop deck" refers to part of the ship, and is neither an order nor a personal challenge.
    If I play my cards right, a rare Edison wax-cylinder phonograph I foolishly sold some years ago may be returning to my collection.
    Was in contact with the young fellow who bought it when I was at a phonograph swap, and he said he still had it--I offered to buy it back, and he said he's hanging onto it but would like to sell. I saw it and he has it in better condition than when I owned it, as he is a master rebuilder.
    So when I've moved and got myself settled I'll probably be getting rid of a few gramophones & phonographs to clear a patch for the Model E, which can come sit next to a few other old record players. I'll be glad to see it back; it was a nice little machine and this will help out the other fellow too.
    Oh...so the cards you'd be playing won't be Tarot? Although the return does have a sort of magical quality to it.
    It's not meant to be this way, but seen from above with the body removed the frame of an Austin Seven car looks almost like a letter "A." This is dumb but it seems kind of neat.
    Was on the light rail a few weeks ago & the traction-motors sounded actually GOOD, like on a full size diesel-electric locomotive but without the diesel. I'm not interested in fancy delicate cars with heated seats and a screen in the middle of the dash-board--Tesla & similar are a little too frilly for me. E-waste on wheels.
    One of the reasons for such underpowered cars was the road tax cost. It was calculated on cylinder bore size. This changed in 1948 but the legacy of small bores and long stroke low-revving engines lasted well into the late fifties.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I think it's actually called an A-frame, just like the Chevy X-frame looks like an X. That's a nice looking car.
    -- Fun piece of music for you on an Aeolian Orchestrelle (self-playing reed organ.) Big fan of this channel and of this era of music in general; I can't play like that though. Got to love YouTube.
    Inside you there are two wolves: it is probably a good idea not to eat wolves as they are an endangered species and that's really too much for one serving.
    I saw that video on Youtube. Deep.
    @Prometheus I didn't see it. I was having fun with picking on the idea because if someone literally had two wolves in them would they call the doctor or Animal Control?
    Red Riding Hood's grandmother got eaten by a wolf, but since he didn't chew well,
    the Helpful Hunstman was able to cut the wolf open and retrieve Grandma.

    In the first version of the story that I heard, anyway.
    I'm really becoming tired of the pressure put on the somewhat intelligent-- "Go to college, you NEED that!" -- College is lovely but the mental toll it takes, plus the cost, the time, the hassle, just doesn't always add up.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Its just for the title. 95% of the stuff can be self learnt.
    @Atrapa Almas you're right, you know. I wish it was better to get a job that would pay a living wage but whatever. College is helpful for teaching school as well, but teachers don't really get "real" pay in the USA here.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    College is not necessary for a good career for everybody. Skilled trades are better for some people. Machinests, especially tool and die makers, electrical, plumbing. My brother boosted his skills in Mechanical Drawing to ultimately design tooling for Pratt & Whitney. The credentials race is not for everybody. To me, a bachelors degree only tells me that you are trainable.
    At the library in the city, 30 miles from the house. Here the books are pretty decent, the chairs don't look like jail furniture, & I can meet some really interesting people. I think I am going to have to move to civilization here.
    If I move to a library...does that mean I check myself in and out every day like a book? That would simplify a lot.
    What kind of library only allows books out for 24 hours at a time?
    We have 3 week take outs at the library I use most often.
    I don't know, I was hanging out upstairs just working, studying, chilling, and trawling the web on my laptop computer. It was nice though and the people are chill.
    Last night the anxiety floodgate opened a little bit & let me get a few things actually done in college. I'm going to try to hold that momentum.
    The funniest thing in my life right now is a YouTube parody of "Straight outta Compton" as a Bavarian polka and it unironically goes harder than it has any right to. It was on a channel called "There, I Ruined It."
    If I am allowed to be happy then so are all y'all. I hate my life in college but it's only temporary until I graduate & make a run for it.
    I understand what is going on as deconstruction, & I feel useless. Having to renegotiate my whole existence, beliefs, etc., is bizarre.
    It is? You do? How come?
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    If you mean PSTD recovery, it has a lot of deconstruction before reconstructing yourself.

    Did you mean that?
    I know it's bad for me but I want ramen now, and Dr Pepper later.
    I was just trying to talk myself out of a hamburger and chips and gravy for lunch. I think the two of you just helped to decide for me. Hamburger here I come. :)
    Now I want a hamburger lol
    I used to think that Dr.Pepper was something that had pepper in it…I was very wrong.
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