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  • Guess I'm awake for the day at 4am again. I took a nap this afternoon and woke up at midnight. For once I'm glad my morning client canceled on me and I don't have to do anything until 1pm.
    Mr. Stevens
    I was awake for the day at 1:14. Don't know if I'll get any more rest, but at least it's Thursday.
    Haha. I slept in until 4:30am. I win the sleepyhead award.
    An old picture of me and my little dog Linda. She still behaves like this lol and she is an old dog. She is a Portuguese Podengo Pequeno, in case anyone was wondering what breed she is. But she is a rescue from Puerto Rico. This was taken by a professional photographer many years ago.

    3-24-13 031.JPG
    Curly/wavy hair Luca and straight hair, shoulder length hair Luca look completely different. I had to do a double take because I thought that wasn’t u for a moment.
    Lol it is me! It’s just an old picture.
    I’m also not skinny anymore either!
    I don't use false eyelashes every day, but I do like wearing them because they look really good. They are so annoying to put on though, so I looked into getting lash extensions, but they are $150 a month. What the heck. $150 a month just so you don't have to put on false lashes or mascara every day. Who can afford that? The prices of self-care and beauty products are insane.
    Awww thanks Luca! :-) I hope that you can find somewhere or someone to help :-)
    I hope so too, but that was such a great suggestion, I will look into it ASAP! :)
    Beauty is pain. I wore falsies ONCE and it was the worst sensation ever. I’d rather wear effective mascara over falsies or spending $150 monthly
    Please tell me it is not just me who thinks this thumbnail of Fergie looks super creepy lmao, I don't know if it's bad editing or what but it just looks off. Kind of funny though. I also don't know why Youtube is recommending so many different remixes of Fergalicious, all I did was look up the lyrics because I was so confused about them when I was younger.
    Screenshot 2023-06-21 042222.png
    My first thought is that it looks like she might be trying to audition for "Wicked Witch of the West"?
    Lol, someone needs to photoshop her with green skin and a witch hat... and maybe under a house...
    There is a guy walking around outside with a bucket picking mushrooms lol. The ones here are definitely not edible but I have no idea if they’re psychedelic. Probably not a good idea to eat them either way.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I see that around here sometimes too, it's always Liberty Caps they are pickin' here. Very psychedelic, one of the most potent types of mushroom, and they grow on lawns and pastures and different places.
    Captain Jigglypuff
    Captain Jigglypuff
    My mom’s grandmother once poisoned herself and my dad’s parents by feeding them some soup she had made from these random mushrooms that were growing outside. Three ambulances were at the house to take three senior citizens to the hospital.
    @Markness I think you asked me a question in your thread about finding a girlfriend and I forgot to write a response. I believe it was about the thing I mentioned about love stories about elderly couples. Just do a google search for “meeting spouse later in life stories”
    Having a Father’s Day party for my dad
    (My family is not pictured for privacy reasons)
    Nice to see you smile, Luca. :)
    I smile a lot irl :) Sometimes I just look awkward in selfies lol
    I went to a friend’s house today (she still lives with her parents) and her parents were so mean to me that I had to leave and I cried the whole way home. I don’t want to talk about the details but I was not the one who was in the wrong in this situation. I don’t understand how people can treat others like that and are able to sleep at night.
    She did agree that they were being extremely rude and she was really embarrassed. But I made sure she understood it wasn’t her fault.
    Sometimes we must be ducks. I am learning how to let things roll of my back. We encounter difficult and even terrible people sometimes, but we do not have to let them pierce our hearts. Keep swimming, keep flying…. Duck style.
    That’s awful! They sound heartless and need lessons in being good people!
    I really like my name, but more than one person has told me I look more like a Vanessa, and I really like that name as well (I have drawn and painted a character named Vanessa in some of my artwork. She is not a real character from anything, I just needed a human character to draw, and it felt more personal if I named her.) Luca isn't my birth name but I am legally changing my name soon. I will likely keep Luca tho.
    I added some things to my bar cart. It looks really cute.
    I got the wooden boat in Maine yesterday on the way home.
    And I love the hand painted mirror on display in my art studio! (It was a gift, I am not the artist who painted it)
    Cute wholesome stuff like this calms me.
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