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  • Up late again, because I need to do laundry and clean up before I nanny for my friend’s daughter tomorrow. She is also autistic, and is a teenager so she’s almost more like a friend. I will have to figure out a card game we can play or a movie we can watch. I adore children, and I’m great with them, I just don’t want/can’t have any of my own.
    She does! I love doing art projects with kids too.
    Although last time I did arts and crafts with her, she drew something wildly inappropriate and put it on her dad's fridge lol
    That reminds me when my daughter was 5 standing at the checkout stand, and declared very loudly, DAD, you have hairs growing out of your nose. She also told me as we stepped out of the shower, when she was a toddler, you have a BIG butt. Lol. Out of the mouths of babes.
    @Luca lemme guess it was usual teenage stuff. I’ve seen posts online of kids drawing inappropriate things or mispelling words as ones that are close to the word but a sweary counterpart instead.
    The final product of my pottery. I like how all of these came out, but I very much love the ocean bowl. As usual, my art has a decidedly folk-art feel, according to the people who already saw it.
    Why doesn’t anyone ever want to hang out with me when it’s just me? Why does it always have to be the whole group, and everyone says no when it’s just going to be me? It just reinforces how everyone has always said no one genuinely enjoys my company or finds me interesting.
    @Misery me too although I am all the way in Florida.
    If you were not on the other side of the country, I would drag you to concerts.
    Thank you so much everyone. I would love to hang out with all of you too. Wish we all lived closer. Although in @VictorR ’s case, we have already done that :)
    @Rodafina I think most of my friends just don’t understand me. What is fun for me is not fun for them, unless they drink :/
    I woke up super early this morning and made a bunch of art. I made a painting, a flower crown, and some pottery. I don’t have a kiln, so the clay will have to air dry :/ I will seal and paint it later. The bowl will have a marbled beach/ocean pattern and the vase will be pink and white.
    I also reorganized my bookshelf last night.
    Top row is nonfiction, middle row is fiction, bottom row is magazines and personal photo albums.
    Shelf #2 is entirely nonfiction.

    I fixed up my new jewelry organization so it’s less chaotic. I made it mostly nice/expensive jewelry and put the colorful and childish pieces somewhere else. I think it looks a lot prettier, even though “dignified” is not my specialty lol

    I had a hysterectomy last October. I have no reproductive organs. So why do I have phantom cramps right now that are just as bad as what I had before my surgery??
    I decided to ask Google, and I don't know if this is actually true, but multiple sources say that endometriosis can come back after a total hysterectomy, especially if you are on HRT (which I am.) So what would be the solution then?
    Have you considered the pill? This was the only thing that worked for me and prevented endometriosis from returning. There's special medication but the side effects are worse than the pill (osteoporosis).

    I really don't know if a 3rd option exists but I'm open to any suggestions, too.
    Thanks everyone. They couldn't find anything wrong with me so it seems like this was just a one-off random thing. I will obviously go back if I have the same problem again.
    @Aneka I was on the pill for years, but I'm on estrogen replacement therapy now. I will ask my GP if she thinks the pill makes sense given that I am already taking hormones and I don't have a uterus. I really don't know much about medical stuff (at least not for humans lol)
    I hear the same weird noise every night around 3 to 4am. Sometimes it wakes me up. It sounds like a plane, but more ominous, although I never see one, even with a clear sky. It’s very unsettling and especially weird since I live right next to 400+ acres of forest and there’s nothing out there. I’m not saying I think it’s anything paranormal or particularly sinister, but I wonder if anyone knows what it might be?
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I got in contact with my uncle's cousin. He has agreed to keep watch outside and guard from any bad things that go bump in the night.

    Doggie knows how to pose ;)
    Can it be a furnace, AC, something electrical cycling thru a routine? Often times things are programmed to cycle thru at certain times. Your best bet is to find the source, it could be something like a meter doing a read.
    A quick, simple training video from this evening (I haven't posted one in a while, and yes, we are still at it, and still competing!) This was a quick session on the back patio of a restaurant we were eating at lol
    Training 7.5.2023
    Enzo has trained you so well! What a dawg. Hope he gave you a treat. :cool:
    All the new stuff I got today!
    I’m planning on having a summer birthday party this year, since I want to do it at the beach and I can’t really do that in October. Plus some of my friends are teachers, are in graduate school, or have kids who are at camp, so they have the summer off. I got new art supplies, books, jewelry storage, and a pillow to replace the one my dogs wrecked lol (Continued in comments)
    I had a party today (well, my friends are sleeping over so they’re still here) and my best friend took this selfie with Enzo :tearsofjoy: It doesn’t show his face so it’s fine
    A Enzo face hug. Cute.
    Enzo is the only dog I have who can really handle being in a big group of people, he is more outgoing than my other dogs (partially due to differences in breed personalities) so he gets to roam around when I have parties and gatherings. He mostly just wants to make sure every person in the room has been greeted properly (which includes hugging and licking.)
    That banana dog in the background lol
    I have really bad hay fever right now but I’m worried that I may also have strep throat. I will try to sleep it off for now and call a doctor in the morning. It will be really hard to get an appointment on a long weekend before a holiday though :(
    What points you to strep throat? Do you have a fever?

    Could be rundown from all the activity lately.

    I hope you feel much better when you wake up, if you are not already awake!
    I don’t have a fever. My throat was really sore last night but it’s feeling better now. It probably is just allergies, but I will still try the suggestions here!
    I get hay fever real bad sometimes :( once thought I had a bout of it when I couldn’t stop coughing at work.
    It’s a long weekend, so that means lots of drunk people outside in the middle of the night and early morning. It is past midnight, and 7 cars have driven down my street in the past minute. There are also people a bit too close to my yard for comfort right now.
    Make that 3 more cars since I’ve typed this…
    It’s gonna be a long night. And this is only the beginning of the weekend.
    Do you also have issues with vandalism?The bilance of a single weekend a month ago: Park benches burnt down, a stone wall torn apart and garbage all around. And some people performed interesting acts on a parking lot. And that was just some 13 years old partying...
    This is not a regular occurrence fortunately, but this has been one of the worst for a while.
    Omg that’s awful :( Yes we do have vandalism here occasionally
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