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  • Outdated
    What I call freezing cold is probably a pleasant spring day for you, getting up to around 15C during the day. :) I don't mind a bit of heat and right now even southern europe doesn't look too hot to me.
    You inspire me, Luca. I no longer feel afraid to go out colorful and me, the way I like to make my styles and the stuff I find so dear and cute.
    She inspired me too, to let go of what people think, and dress and be who you want. thanks @Luca
    My legs are covered in mosquito bites, because in order to get to the river (where I was in the afternoon with my friends) you have to hike about a mile through the woods, and in the summer it is infested with mosquitoes.
    I also got bit by a huge creepy bug in a park in Boston. I don’t know what it was. I screamed though.
    There’s always something that makes it hard to sleep. Right now it’s because I’m itchy.
    This is a trick l read somewhere, and it works. You buy the toothpaste that is not gel, but kinda of chalk like, it really helps with itching, just put some on the bite. This has help me sleep at night. Or take a antihistamine pill for allergy, this helped me with a horrible heat rash l just recently had.
    A night out on the town. It wasn’t exactly planned, and my girlfriend and I are getting up early to go on a trip tomorrow. We will probably not be home and in bed until 1am. I’m going to be so burned out after this weekend lol


    There is a crazy storm going on here. Thunder, lightning, torrential rain, and hail. Yikes
    Those are the worst, especially when you're either trying to sleep or get ready for bed.
    I believe this is the third time this week that the fire department and the police have been here. Wonder what’s going on this time.
    Never a dull moment in this neighborhood.
    Nope, it’s an actual emergency. Three fire engines. Hope no one is badly hurt or ill.
    Make that FOUR fire engines… must be an actual fire :(
    If there’s police as well, I’d imagine someone has probably died.
    I got 3 new dresses today! I feel like a princess!
    Now I have to decide which one I want to wear to my un-birthday party…

    I would pick #1 for a birthday. #2 for a Sunday and #3 for a formal event.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    All are very flattering on you. #3 makes you look elegant. I think you would look great in a LBD.
    Thank you! I do have a few LBDs in my closet lol, they are for going out
    I’m getting two new tattoos in August and possibly a lip piercing. I’m excited!
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I would also like to know what designs for the tattoos if you are comfortable sharing!
    I drew both of these myself.

    The first one is Enzo’s family, the second one is my girlfriend’s idea (she’s from Poland and is part Ukrainian.) It says “strength” in Ukrainian

    Right forearm and left shoulder.
    The air quality and humidity outside are so bad that I feel sick. I just took my dogs for a walk and I couldn't breathe and I feel like I'm going to throw up.
    I decided the heat is too much. I am thinking of staying in today. I had to run a very important errand this week, and l entertained for 9 days prior this week, so Time Out is needed. Lol
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Going outside on most days is hard for me because of this exact reason
    Yesterday my tongue stung for hours after being in town.
    The nasty smoke flavor of the air.
    I don't know if there was a new forest fire or what.
    Time for a new profile picture. I love this one because he appears so unimpressed with me giving him a kiss, even though he was slobbering all over my face prior to this being taken lol
    Squidward with a serious face o-o. Is that the cutest sausage necklace I've ever seen?! :screamcat:
    This necklace was a graduation gift over 10 years ago, and the store is out of business, so I’m not sure if you could still buy one, unfortunately.
    But it certainly is cute! I have pics of myself wearing it from all the way back then lol
    Hey! At least it's Enzo you're tawkin' about, and not "Hooch". LOL....;)
    A message for other women: You can never really be sure if you’re safe anywhere. If you can, try to carry a deterrent like pepper spray, and wear shoes you can run away in if you’re going to be alone.
    I just got harassed by two disgusting men at 7 in the morning in a Dunkin Donuts. No one helped me, but my service dog was enough of a deterrent that I could get away quickly.
    The pandemic pretty much killed all the wonderful buffets we used to have. Not sure if they will ever come back. But plenty of us are still packing. ;)
    South Florida is feeling rougher. Alot of ring cameras are catching opportunists looking for a quick score.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    @Aspychata, people are stealing Kia cars now because someone figured out that you can actually start those cars with a USB cable. It's terrible that she was hit in the face, people are ruthless.
    I got this hat at the marina today, it was a lucky find and it’s just my style!
    I actually used to hate hats for sensory reasons, but that seems to not be a thing for me anymore


    And I also fixed up my purse hangers and made them more organized

    My car is fixed. Just needed a new tire. I'm still a bit annoyed about what happened yesterday, especially since it cost money, but it wasn't a huge deal. I had a surprise visit from some friends today after having a stressful/scary doctor's appointment this morning (the doctor was wonderful, she wasn't scary, it was just an invasive exam.) I ended up having lots of fun, we had a picnic at the marina and got cupcakes
    Sorry for not responding to some messages and quotes today. I ran over a nail so I spent the last few hours dealing with that. My car is currently being towed. I am not in a good mood.
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