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  • I was just buying some kind of expensive jewelry (not actually expensive, but remember, I’m cheap lol) and the register wouldn’t read my card for some reason so I had to go to the ATM and withdraw cash. When I came back, the cashier had given me THREE 20% off discounts to make up for the problem with the register, so I only spent $50. Never doubt the power of empathy.
    I offered to buy her something as a thank you but she couldn’t accept it. There truly is still good in the world. It’s hard to find, but it’s there.
    I really need to get some errands done, but my car won’t start. I asked my mom to drive me or to lend me her car and she said no. I’m going to have a mental breakdown.
    That was my first thought, that it could be the battery. I'm glad you had AAA to help! :-) I'm sorry that you need to cry though :-( I'm very sorry that things aren't going the way they should be. Everyone I'm sure is sending you all the support and positive vibes! I know it's not as good as a real one, but I'm sending you the biggest virtual hug I can!
    Thank you <3
    I’m sending you a big hug back, Mildred!
    Thanks Luca! <3 Remember we are all here for you! :-)
    My girlfriend and her mom have to go back to Poland indefinitely because her grandmother is not doing well. I’m heartbroken. I was so used to being with her all the time and I’m scared to be alone again. It feels like my life is just falling apart…
    Her mom is very supportive of our relationship but I have never met her extended family. I will definitely go visit them at some point.
    Mr. Stevens
    Sorry to hear this Luca. That would be very heartbreaking.
    That's good, sometimes people can miss or long for that physical experience. I wish you the best.

    It might be hard to get settled with the physical distance after you were able to hold them and be near. I went through that with my ex, I'd be grieving that and waking up without them was hard for a while.
    Currently crying and trying not to throw up in my car because I have such a bad migraine. I’m taking some medication and I’m going to put the seat down and lie down in case I’m going to have a seizure or something. I feel awful.
    Sounds so awful Luca! I'm really sorry, I'm glad you can get some sleep and I hope that the migraine will soon be over! I certainly know how awful they can be. Get well soon! :)
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Take all the rest you need, please. Sending thoughts your way and I hope you and Enzo can relax together.
    Get well. ♥️
    I really want to leave this forum sometimes, but I’m unable to get this level of support irl and that’s why I’m still here.
    I constantly went through confusion about my autism, sometimes it would seem like I have autism, other times it would seem like it was just normal traits, and people were experiencing things in ways I didn't know to express the same so I thought it must be different, but I ended up understanding what people were saying sometimes and how it related to me.
    I think we share some things that are the same, so maybe it's not a lot, but everyone is different, and also girls have a harder time getting diagnosed because we are more communicative. People told me things that really reassured me and made me slowly accept it, because it can be difficult, like you don't want to be an imposter and feel you are not as important...
    ...as the others to be on the website and you don't belong. But also autism can be not as noticeable by people because it practically can be a hidden disability. What is not seen is not always not present. Though I didn't talk about it, people noticed because I kept changing my diagnosis info box because it was driving me nuts and because I initially came to the website as a girlfriend of someone on the spectrum.
    People need to stop giving unsolicited "advice" on others' appearances. Chances are we already know and are already insecure about it.

    Edited to clarify: Don’t tell people they are fat or ugly or have unattractive features. It just isn’t nice and sometimes it’s hard to control or there’s a medical reason.
    Ppl have their own lives and opinions, don't need to look at someone's drama behavior, like a naughty child or a bark. You're not gonna listen to barks to... well you will but my point is that is meaningless what the people are saying.
    There are a lot of naughty people out there, and I have the disadvantage of knowing one, mom. Knowing how she is, wrapped up in her own reality further discredits their behavior. It's really not truth, it's a reflection of their fragile ego that they would get so offended at somebody else's differences their insecurities would make a mess out of them.
    Mom lacks the capacity to think someone's view of the world, needs is different than hers and she gets very controlling about even strangers.
    My friend sent me this poem. “10 Ways Girls Tell Each Other ‘I Love You’” by M.B.
    This is definitely true for me and my friends

    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Yeah that's what I say to the guys also, "will you French braid my hair?". ;)
    I’m so glad I finally got enough sleep. Today was my day off so I slept in until about 7:30am and then went for a run with Enzo, and we stopped at the pet store, the coffee shop and the park on the way home and got some new toys (a donut and a cute little skunk) and played with some dogs and met some nice people. Only problem is I don’t know what to do for the rest of the day…
    This was the first time I’ve gotten my nails done in a very long time.
    I also got my toenails done but no one needs to see a picture of my feet lol
    I was so sleep deprived yesterday that I fell asleep at the nail salon lol. Then I went to my friend’s house and three of us fell asleep in her bed. I’m glad I didn’t sleep through the movie, but I was out cold a few minutes after getting home. This is the most sleep I’ve had in a while, sadly…
    At least you really trust your friends and got some good sleep, plus I bet your nails still turned out fine.
    @Rodafina After my nails were done and they were drying. I almost never fall asleep in public either but I had gotten three hours of sleep the night before
    We have very rainy weather now and just the sound of raindrops sends me to dreamland.
    The Barbie movie was so good!! And absolutely not what I thought it would be.
    I never liked Barbie when I was a kid so I had low expectations. It was a great movie with a great message and it made me pretty emotional. I won’t spoil it though.
    Safe to say that this is the first time Barbie made me cry in a way that wasn’t negative lol
    EWW I just realized they were bacon flavored. Don’t get me wrong, I’m crazy about bacon but I don’t think it belongs in a candy cane lol
    I’m equally perplexed and disturbed by bacon milkshakes (yes that’s a thing)
    Mr. Stevens
    I like it because it looks ominous. Like, "Dad's drinking again. ...and he's got his bacon candy canes out."
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