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  • More service dog shopping and dining adventures.
    I still really miss my girlfriend, but Enzo is also a great traveling and errand running companion. I wish all my dogs could be service dogs so they could all go everywhere like he does.
    Don’t worry, I’m parked in the last picture!

    His droopy ears and grumpy mouth give him character lol…
    This gallery has amazing artwork. Both paintings and photographs. The galaxy ones are so cool!!
    Those are so beautiful! I would love to go to an art gallery such as the one you went to. I love to see different art styles and how they make their masterpieces. Thank you for sharing photos.
    I love the photographs they're so amazing ♥️
    They are amazing!! I wish I had more gallery space in my house because I would definitely buy one!
    Going to work out before it gets dark outside.
    I’m perfectly happy with my body, it’s taken me years to get to this point but now I don’t care what people think. I exercise because it makes me feel good, not because I want/need to be skinny.
    Exactly! That's why l workout. To feel better. So cute, that top. I struggle what to wear to the gym.
    It’s hard to find workout tops and sports bras because I am so big chested, I’m not saying that to be weird, it just is what it is lol
    Enzo and his best friend. A few people have told me I should submit this one to a photo contest or a magazine. I really like it too. (Shot on my DSLR, not my phone lol)
    Someone is outside on their porch talking on the phone and laughing like a hyena. It is almost 3am. My windows are closed and I can still hear them.
    I have considered moving somewhere more urban, but this problem would probably be worse closer to the city.
    That's actually one thing I love about being so incredibly rural. I still have to block noise from really loud cars and things like that, but at least people aren't crazy-inconsiderate out in the middle of nowhere
    I'm in the city and it can be pretty bad. People playing loud music, people's TVs under my floor and I can hear it when I'm in bed, people coming and going to the club and drunk yelling or singing on the streets, talking about some girl they got drunk...
    People constantly drilling, cutting wood from morning to evening in their appartment, neighbors talking and laughing at you, the way you dress, if you don't say hi or talking back naughtily if you say hi. Definitely don't move to appartments.
    I always forget that the ferry runs until 11pm, and I’m always surprised when I hear the horn in the middle of the night lol
    Did some solo traveling with Enzo today. It definitely helped. Asking strangers to take pictures of me was a bit awkward lol
    I never realized how hard sleeping alone would be. I’m crying myself to sleep.
    I think I’m going to do some solo traveling for the rest of the weekend because being alone in my house makes me feel awful.
    My early birthday/“un-birthday” celebration is in two weeks. My friends have really gone above and beyond for me this time so I’m excited for what they have planned. I hate surprises but they said I will love the gifts, and I’m excited for the party (picnic at the beach, and then bowling, arcade, and a party and drinks at a nightclub.) This is my last year in my 20s so I’m going out with a bang lol
    Why are there birds singing outside at 1:45am?? That’s kind of creepy and seems ominous
    It's so weird. I moved downtown about a year ago, and the streetlights are so bright that we have flocks of crows that fly and hunt at night.
    Colonies of hundreds churn like ocean currents, blackening the sky.
    The city hired a falconer. He walks the streets every night, and when he finds a big colony, the pretty falcon is sent up to scare them away. Not to hunt or hurt them.
    @AngelWitch Yeah we do have owls here, they definitely make weird noises lol
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