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  • Going to see the Barbie movie with my girl friends. They wanted me to dress up and I accepted the challenge.
    Do I look like Latina Barbie? Lol
    Thank you! The movie was so good! I was very pleasantly surprised. I didn’t know too much about it but I expected it to be a kids’ movie. You should definitely go see it.
    Movie theaters are not my favorite experience but I was okay.
    I've always wanted to look like other kids and because of my hormonal issues, I kinda always looked closer to a boy but apparently I was very pretty in other people's eyes. Because I was tall, I wanted to be small and I just always wanted what I didn't have lol.
    I had a barbie which looked much like you, she was original and detailed. I like the twist cause everyone has seen blond barbies often, this look is refreshing. It's one of my favorites!
    First time someone has gotten mad at me for waiting to cross the street for the walk signal when THEY had the right of way. It was totally unnecessary and kind of unsafe to make me cross the street. Plus I dropped my phone and it almost got run over, and then I almost got hit retrieving it. People confuse me so much.
    @Rodafina Is that a pitch pine in the image you posted? They are very common in my area and I think they look really cool.
    Wow, I was double correct! :cool:
    I'm going to P-Town with my girlfriend and some friends later this summer. It's one of my favorite places!
    You know your sandy soil trees!

    I love it there. Special place for me. Truro, too. Happy you are going.
    I sure do! Lol
    The most common ones in my specific area are redcedars (not actually cedars, but junipers). There are lots of them in the forest preserve I live next to and along the riverbank.

    It's a special place for me too. I'm happy you like it too!
    Second time this month that the authorities have come and taken away what appeared to be someone who was deceased. It’s very sad but not entirely surprising since this isn’t the best neighborhood. We don’t have a lot of regular violence here but the neighborhood has a huge problem with drugs and alcohol. Sad :(
    Although in this case it may have been violence. The cops seem to be looking around for someone with very bright lights.
    I really want to move :(
    Wow, that would definitely scare me, too. Hopefully someone died peacefully at home and it just looks iffy for some other reason
    That's what I'm hoping too. This is such a crappy neighborhood. It is nothing like how it was advertised, plus being surrounded by so much dense forest makes the vibe creepier.
    I have been way more active in threads lately than I have been on PM, or text messaging outside of here. I’m trying to catch up and I feel bad for being less responsive lately. My mental health is honestly not the best right now but I never mean to exclude anyone.
    You have been so busy irl, no need to apologize.
    I have been too busy lol, I need a break
    I’m so burned out from this week. I took a nap after work and ended up sleeping until about 8pm. I’m so tired.
    That is how I lived the past 10 weeks lol- and after napping straight to bed.
    It has been a LONG week. I’m getting my nails and lashes done tomorrow (Saturday) and then going to see the Barbie movie with my girl friends because I deserve it after this hell of a week. I think I broke my record for how many times I’ve cried in the span of two days.
    Well, the storm is over and I’m still alive. It was very quick and then it was gone. Just crazy wind and thunder and lightning.
    I wish my anxiety wasn’t so horrible but I’m glad the storm was made out to be worse than it was. My friend told me they have to give those crazy warnings in case they get sued if someone actually dies.
    That’s unfortunate. Hopefully it wasn’t too expensive to replace everything…
    Covered by insurance for the most part. 2 of the TVs were not claimed for because they were ancient. By some miracle the big TV in the lounge was unharmed. The aerial connector had somehow fallen out yet the DVD and VHS players were toast.
    Ugh what a nightmare. I’m glad insurance covered most of it.
    I saw your status updates Luca. Is there anything I can do to help you?
    Hey, what's going on? Is everything okay?
    I third this notion, I hope you are safe and ok with your beautiful doggo
    Thanks everyone. I am okay for now. Just keeping an eye on the weather but the risk is decreasing.
    Chances of tornadoes here are apparently decreasing, but that hasn’t stopped me from waking up several times this morning having anxiety. It’s still a possibility though so I will try to stay downstairs and away from windows.
    We are on the same wavelength lol
    Did you experience tornadoes? It's scary that they're so common in some areas in the US, along with hurricanes :(

    We had one decades ago on a camping ground that killed two people. It was the only time it ever happened in my area.
    I'm very glad you're out of the danger zone, hoping it's gone for good now.
    There is a severe tornado warning in my area right now and I have a really bad phobia of natural disasters. And I don’t have a basement. So if I suddenly disappear from here forever… well, you know why.
    Do you have shelters where people can go if there is a warning? Or buildings?
    We unfortunately don’t have a lot of tornado shelters here because they are so uncommon :(
    In PDX, we get atmospheric rivers a few times a year. The news calls it "The Pineapple Express", because it's a huge wave of heavy rainfall from Hawaii. I look forward to it. I love sheets of rain. It's fun to go down to the river and see how high and fast it's running. And to see the banks come alive with wildflowers. The sun and I do not get along well. I'm looking forward to 7 months of mist, once November hits.
    I don't care how immature everyone thinks I am, I am never going to be too old to have fun. Being an adult sucks because everyone expects you to care about money, status, having a family, etc. I wish I could be a teenager again, for the rest of my life.
    There's really nothing wrong with the alternative lifestyle; don't let anyone suck you into the american nightmare!
    You are mature Luca in the fact you wish to live your life as you chose. You are extremely responsible person, several family members depend on you for their well-being. Live the way you want. I tell people to mind their own business NOT mine.
    Family members (cute doggies)
    Hearing someone rustling around outside at almost 4am is a bit creepy. I hope it's someone who is just going to, or coming home from work, and not someone being weird. Although with all the things that have happened in this neighborhood as of late, that wouldn't be entirely surprising. The price I have to pay I guess, for finding an upscale home in what I've come to realize is the bad part of town.
    Haunted neighbourhood o.O
    You need Ghost Busters ;)

    In all honesty, might be a wild animal? I wouldn't want to investigate though.
    It’s been a long time since I made a fancy dinner…
    I was originally going to make scrambled eggs but this was a much better decision
    How the hell do people consistently afford jewelry that costs $60, $70, $80?! It's not like I'm not making any money, but I don't know how it is sustainable to keep buying stuff like that. Maybe I'm just cheap, but I'm sure not spending more than $20 on a pair of earrings or ring.
    It drives me nuts that things are so expensive.
    Fools and their money are soon parted.

    Or the Australian version - A fool and his money are soon partying. :)
    Angular Chap
    Angular Chap
    Maybe they can't actually afford it and they're just taking on huge amounts of debt...:(
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    It could be that if you buy gold or silver jewelry, it will probably be worth more later because the prices go up. So you still have the money, just sell the jewelry. But people also buy a lot of things they can't afford, credit cards and loans. A lot of people drive around in fancy new electric cars here now, but they can't really afford it. The bank owns it or they lease it.
    Today was really fun except for one thing. We went on a charter boat (that we paid for) and there were a few other couples on board. This lady would not shut up the whole time. She was so loud and she was just yakking her damn head off to everyone for the whole hour and a half. We were not the only ones who were irritated. It was so inconsiderate and really poor manners. Like you are in a public space, lady.
    Sorry, sometimes my humour is a bit dark - Next tell them no, he's not a service dog, you're just taking him to get tested for rabies. :)
    I hate loud obnoxious people. We breed that type in Florida.
    Or tell obnoxious people, he just somehow rolled in something and seems to be covered in fleas. Before the event, do a beautiful makeup job of a humongous flea bite. Like on the inside of your arm. Just to show them for emphasis. Of course.
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