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  • I hate when I am getting ready to go to sleep, and I realize that I have to get up and pee. It happens every night...
    Apparently my friends (my *close* friends, to clarify, the ones who are nice to me) are planning on renting a stretch limo, making me a fancy cake, and taking me to the beach for a picnic, and to a high-end club for my “birthday” in August (it is actually my un-birthday, my real birthday is in October, I wanted a summer party at the beach.) I’m turning 29, might as well go all out, I guess lol. I’m glad they care tho
    Oh God, there is a very loud physical fight going on in the street outside my house (just drunk meathead college kids, fortunately not a domestic dispute) and the cops just showed up. Every Friday night some stupid drunk people do something idiotic that wakes me up or makes it hard to sleep.
    Sadly, this sort of behavior is considered acceptable by society. :(
    Every time I have to go back to Sacramento, my aunt and uncle scream at each other late into the night. She was in a car accident and is now in constant pain and can no longer work, so they are short on money as well. There has always been random screaming arguments in that neighborhood that I can hear when the wind blows right, but this is right outside the door.
    Ironic to think that I often heard such commotions, but in what amounted to the nicest apartment complex I ever lived in. Go figure....:rolleyes:
    My friend felt bad that people have been so mean to me lately, so she’s taking me out to dinner and to a nightclub/lounge with a bowling alley. I’m glad I do have people in my irl life who do care and show support. It means a lot.
    Everyone seems to think that the way to impress people and earn their respect is to make fun of me.

    I need to move somewhere far away. Maybe even closer to the city. I hate it here because everyone knows each other, and I can’t avoid making friends with people who have friends who bully me.
    If your friends are willing to be friends with people who bully you, and they accept it, they are not very good friends. I see what you mean about wanting to start anew somewhere else.
    Over in UK a lot seem to call teasing "banter". In fact, on dating sites I've seen no end of women saying "banter" is a must. As in, they're often insecure drunks who seem to relish mocking one another. It's also confusing they all look so similar. And all their photos are them in tiny skirts holding alcoholic drinks. Fatherless behaviour.
    Girls all look the same where I live too. Part of the reason I get picked on is because I look different. But at least I don’t look like the endless “influencer” clones with badly dyed hair and an orange spray tan and a pyramid scheme fitness program.
    It’s 6pm and the sun is still shining, and I’m already in bed. Growing up and getting older sucks lol
    Bedtime is all about how you spend your day. If you’re tired, you’re tired. The Sun won’t mind if you miss a few minutes of her light!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Half past midnight here and I'm still up. Because I'm young and cool :cool: ;)
    I don’t remember how many hours I slept for, but it was a lot. I’m still exhausted. The past week or so has been extremely stressful and I just want to nap all the time.
    Is it better to be lonely than to have friends who don’t give back what I put into the relationship?
    Complex question. I would say, better to have friends who aren't superficial, and be free then from worrying about "how much one put in." Healthy relationships are mutual, but not transactional.
    -Kobyashi Maru. Sadly another "no-win scenario". Leaving people like us to lament and say that we have lots of acquaintances, but to question how many are actually "friends". But then I'm reminded of a college professor who taught that all human relationships are inherently transactional. Or as she put it, "political".
    If the friendship is so unbalanced, to the extent that you feel you're
    always offering more than what you receive, relieving yourself of
    the constant drain sounds like a positive act. That doesn't mean
    you're required to feel 'lonely' though.
    I really like this outfit!
    And I think I did a good job on my makeup too

    That top is very flattering, and your foundation looks like u sprayed it. Flawless. Good skin tone match.
    Thank you! It unfortunately doesn’t look as flattering from the side lol, but I don’t care because I think it fits my body pretty well.
    People never believe me that Enzo is a fully grown adult dog. He will always look like a puppy, due to a severe health issue he had when I rescued him. But then again, people sometimes don’t believe that I’m a fully grown adult woman lol
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