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  • Someone actually painted this for me as a gift. It is now one of my most prized possessions.

    As an aside, I look like a farmer’s daughter from Iowa lol
    Mr. Stevens
    I always like the pictures of your friends in that mirror.
    I do too, those pictures are really cute. We took them in a photo booth at a bowling alley lol
    I like your hair, those jeans look so comfortable.
    The level of parasocial relationships that Taylor Swift fans engage in honestly really disturbs me.
    She has talked about how before she was famous she liked to drive aimlessly around Los Angeles to clear her head, something I personally can relate to. But now she can't cause she's worried about being mobbed or harmed. People who sell jars of air from her concerts on ebay (yes, really!) show a level of parasocial that is downright creepy.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    That's insane even by parasocial relationship standards.
    That is insane, and terrifying
    I didn’t drink at all last night, I got about 7 hours of sleep, and I still woke up feeling hungover lol. I’m leaving for vacation in two days so I hope I’m not still burned out when I have to drive for 4 hours.
    I’m going out tonight, here is my outfit
    Thanks everyone!! I’m a bit nervous about wearing a rainbow/Pride flag shirt in public, but hopefully I will be left alone since I’m going with a pretty big group, including 3 men who are not to be messed with lol
    Nice outfit. Have lots of fun tonite. Your makeup looks great too.
    Awesome! :-) Kitty and rainbow theme! Love it! :-) Hope you have a great time! :)
    I am potentially planning a trip to Europe sometime next year, or the following spring (Enzo too, since he is a service dog and can fly with me in the cabin.) Anyone who considers me a friend and lives in Europe, and would like a visit from Enzo, let me know! :) More details can be discussed in a PM.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I asked the cats, they were a little sceptical to Enzo and his intentions. ;)
    I am moving to Europe tomorrow then. Oui, oui Enzo, un petite doggie croissant pour ma ami Enzo, if you please.
    I hate when people bring up something really embarrassing that they're still mad at me for, months or years later, when it was a really insignificant thing and I've already apologized, moved on, and forgotten about it. Like, I'm sorry, I'm embarrassed, just leave it in the past. It's not relevant to anything current.
    Wow, it's like they derive happiness from spouting insignificant crappola. Move on, get mature piehole. People make mistakes, big friggen deal. Because they are so perfect themselves, yeah right.
    He looks so relaxed. His expression is so perfect. Yes, l too would take a bazillion pictures of him. Too cute.
    Enzo contemplating whether it's an interdimensional portal he's staring at.

    (He probably saw that Lost in Space episode too.) ;)
    Or Enzo is thinking, l truly maybe the most perfect dog in the whole world. I think "mom" will be okay with this. I wonder if mom should use buttermilk on my coat before baths, that youtube had me convinced that it would brighten my coat.
    This is me and Benji. We are both a few years younger here. Thought you might like it.

    What a great dog.
    Man's best friend? Or king of the jungle? Oh well, they both work for Benji. :cool:
    What a great picture! You both look so happy! I love Otterhounds :)
    Apparently body positivity is not acceptable anymore. Everyone I know who was my size has lost a ton of weight and I have just gained more. As someone who has struggled with anorexia, the current trend of body positivity being bad, and being skinny being even more trendy than it was 10 years ago, is extremely concerning and I’m scared of relapsing. I don’t want to go down that path again.
    Just be yourself- for you and no others. :cool:
    Just saw an article that said 68% of American women wear a size 14 or larger.
    What's funny is every culture has different standards. My personal feeling is if the beauty industry can "sell " you that you're not the "beauty standard", then they have made you a customer for life.
    I’m trying to find a novel my mom was reading several years ago, that she gave to me because she hated it. It was the worst book I’ve ever read and that’s a bold statement. The plot was about a woman whose husband died in an accident and came back to haunt her, causing insurmountable chaos. I want to show it to a friend because it’s hilarious. If this plot sounds familiar let me know lol because I can’t find it
    I took a hot shower and I’m really tired now. I went to sleep early last night but I’m not sure about tonight.
    The realization is setting in that I will be 29 this year. I don’t want to be 30, I want to be a child lol
    @Aspychata Plumbing is actually super easy :-) I learned how to do it when I helped my best friend renovate his house a few years back. I'm sure you have all the smarts to do it if I can! There's maybe courses you could do on an evening. Even if you don't end up doing repairs, you'd be in a better position to haggle! :-)
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    This is what I said about turning 20. This is what I said about turning 25 and also 26. This is probably what I will also say about turning 30 when that awful day comes.
    A proper birthday selfie collage. Happy 3rd birthday Enzo!!!
    It amazes me sometimes what people consider cool or dorky based on the latest trends. I think your current glasses are nice, too. Personally, I look more at the person behind the glasses. Thanks for sharing your great pics.
    Thank you!
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    You both look great! And I strongly disagree about the glasses in the other picture! My partner's glasses look similar.
    Enzo is 3!!!
    His actual birthday was two days ago and I was considering making a thread but got too busy.
    Thank you for being my best friend in the world and the best dog I have ever had in my life. You bring so much joy to everyone you meet and you are larger than life. I love you Enzo <3
    He is officially an adult now by English Pointer standards lol
    Probably by making sure they’re over 50 pounds and 24 inches tall, which is their adult size (Enzo is 27” at the shoulder and 71lbs so he’s all set lol)
    71 lbs, wow. I didn't realize this. He is a very tall dog.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Happy late birthday to Enzo!
    I feel like I’m going crazy because I smell bacon, but my windows are closed so I don’t know if I can smell someone cooking it.
    Maybe someone is cooking it on a grill? Either way now I want bacon lol
    Enzo is a celebrity in the Apple Store lol
    You both look so happy! :-) It must be infectious because I'm smiling right now too! :-) You know that Apple give celebrities special treatment in their stores? It's true! I interviewed for them once and learned that! So play your cards right you and Enzo might get a free iPhone! :-)
    You guys look so cute! I hope you both had a great time. :fourleaf:
    I think he’s expecting an actual apple.
    I’m exhausted, all of my joints hurt, I can barely keep my eyes open, and the people next door seem to think this is a great time to be out in the yard making a ton of noise doing who knows what. I just want to sleep.
    For anyone who watched my extremely long and boring vlog where I was packing my suitcase for my trip, I consolidated it into one suitcase, one overnight bag, and one mini backpack.
    And yes, they match. Lol
    The outfit on top is what I’m wearing the day we leave.
    Maybe. I never thought of that. I always thought it would be easier to spot something that stood out.
    Yes, and that's exactly why it wouldn't be stolen. In general, thieves don't want their loot to be easily spotted.
    Makes sense
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