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  • My dogs have decided that 5am was a good time to wake up and start tossing around (clean) underwear that was meant to be put away from the laundry. Why underwear??
    I have been in bed sick all day and I have been sleeping on and off for almost 20 hours.
    Pretty sure it’s food poisoning and hopefully it will be gone in the morning.
    It is. But it's 4am now and I'm awake for the rest of the day, just an hour ahead of schedule (I'm usually up at 5.) So getting to the bathroom will not be an issue now lol
    Same! Time to get up. We can welcome the sun. Rocky thinks it is still time for sleeping, though.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I hope you feel well soon. I'm sure Enzo will keep you company throughout the day and protect you.
    Mr. Stevens
    Deep conversations from Joey Greco. (Something tells me @Metalhead has laughed at Cheaters.)
    I actually took Spanish and German in high school believe it or not but I can barely read a menu in either lol. Other Hispanic people have actually made fun of me a lot for being bad at Spanish, and I get embarrassed because a lot of times people approach me trying to speak Spanish and Portuguese and I have a really hard time responding.
    Trying to speak French in Quebec was even worse, I had a really hard time ordering food and I'm embarrassed to admit this but I ended up just asking people if they spoke English :/
    I feel like I'm doing nothing with my life compared to other people my age. Almost everyone I went to school with is married with kids. A lot of them have a lot of money and own properties. Meanwhile I'm living in a rental house, running a dog daycare, I'm not married to my significant other who lives with me, I have no kids but lots of pets, and no one in town wants to socialize with me because I'm a weirdo.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I resonate with this so much
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    You make me feel sad, Luca. To me you seem like an honest strong woman forging her own path. Do not compare yourself to others. You are growing at a pace that is right for you.
    You are letting that inner critic back out again. You are in a relationship, you have a home, rental or not. And your business is successful. Maybe you can find another way to capitalize on your talent, maybe online, etc. Seriously, the grass always looks poop free on the other side of the fence. Carry on Luca.
    I’m so tired of people thinking I put my dogs in crates to “punish” them and telling everyone I’m mean to my dogs. Crates should NEVER be used as a way to punish dogs. I only put my dogs in their crates when I feed them, when I’m vacuuming or using cleaning products, when they need a break because they are overwhelmed, and when we’re in the car. Anyone who thinks I don’t love my dogs is delusional.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    My faith in majority of humans has been destroyed by how awful so many are. I feel like good people are in the minority.
    Far too many people on this world are naturally immune to brain eating zombies. To many dogs the crate is a safe place to go when they are feeling scared or sleepy.
    Mr. Stevens
    Don't worry, Luca. I only put my people in crates to punish them.

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    So much petty, immature drama and bullying going on with people I know irl. I feel like I can’t trust anyone anymore and it’s making me kind of paranoid.
    Sometimes I feel like I’m just not meant to be out in the world interacting with other people because all they do is hurt me. It’s hard to convince myself that I’m not the one who is to blame for everything.
    I relate a lot of what you talk about regarding people, bullying, and trauma. I'm working at becoming more internally confident so it won't impact me so deeply. You seem like a strong, resilient person - maybe others who bully you are jealous?
    Thank you for your kind words. I'm working on becoming more internally confident too. I think it is possible that some people are jealous, but it's hard to wrap my head around it because so many people have made me feel so worthless.
    Mr. Stevens
    They're totally jealous!
    I was just out walking my dogs and I gave first aid to an Amazon delivery driver who fell and hurt himself. He is okay now. It always bothers me that a lot of people don’t help in situations like this. My first instinct was to go running over there and see if he was injured. The world needs more empathy. If you see something like this happen, please try to help or at least call the authorities.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Youre so brave and a very kind person. Im glad you were there to help.
    Lot of people take advantage of generosity with lawsuits and false allegations these days. Others fake needing help and do horrible things to those who stop to help. So there is definitely cause for hesitation and second thoughts.
    It is strange how when such things happen, so few people will come to the aid of a stranger when it's truly needed. I once saw a man collapse while hanging onto a shopping cart. I just naturally ran to him and helped him back up, and asked him is he was ok and if there was anything I could do for him.
    I don’t remember if I’ve ever shared a picture of my bedroom. I have already been in this house for 3 months lol

    He’s in his crate because I just gave the dogs lunch and I feed them in their crates. The other crates are in the boarding room.
    Enzo and I walked to the used bookstore this morning and got all these books for $7.50 in total!
    Very nice day. I cleaned my smelly washing machine agitator until 2am and woke up feeling better.
    No makeup except for lip gloss is a bit of a contrast to the false eyelashes lol
    I was just doing yard work though, no need for any makeup.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Aw, Enzo looks so happy. :D
    I swear he is happy, the shape of his mouth just makes him look very unimpressed lol
    The dedication in his eyes. You are so loved.
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