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  • Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    You could make a Grumpy Enzo series of pictures. Him at his food bowl, "This food is terrible, disgusting". Him walking in the forest, "This is the worst forest ever, just awful". You petting him, "You're doing it wrong, this petting is terrible". Him riding in the car, "This car is terrible, I hate it". :D
    Omg, that is a great idea! I think I will actually do that :)
    It's like he could be saying, laddies, bring the beach chair and umbrella here, and l need my Gucci shades in the car.
    It is freezing cold in my house and I don’t know why. The heat is on now but I am currently in my pajamas and under the covers. It’s not even that cold outside.
    I hope it’s not just me and I hope I’m not sick.
    I offer you a hot cup of tea.
    Mr. Stevens
    Have your temperatures been up and down lately? It feels cool here today, but only because it was unseasonably hot earlier this week.
    Thanks everyone.
    @Forest Cat It does say what temperature it is.
    I am fine now, it’s warm in here now. It wasn’t just me, it was actually cold.
    @Metalhead That’s so sweet, thank you!
    Sometimes I actually take pictures with my camera instead of my phone lol
    Screenshot 2023-05-20 012531.png
    Such a handsome dog. Also I like the splayed paws showing the webbing.
    Beautiful coat colors, isn't the light outside just perfect for pictures. Walkies are a plus!
    Someone was throwing out these very expensive boots so I asked if I could have them. I don’t normally wear expensive or designer things, but I didn’t feel right about them being thrown out. They’re in perfect condition and don’t look like they were worn much. I don’t like when people throw out things that can still be used, it makes me sad.
    Those boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do.
    Yowzers. Those would be extremely dangerous for me to wear. They cannot be comfortable, right?
    I tried walking in them this morning and they are actually not as uncomfortable as they look! I’m not used to wearing heels though so they will only be used for special occasions.
    Finally finished up the dog grooming room/dog supplies storage room.
    Unfortunately I can’t get rid of the toilet for the time being. This was originally a guest bathroom.
    That is a full size bathtub behind the curtain. It’s just closed right now because I’m washing stuff in it.
    Seems like a toilet could be useful, maybe not often, but occasionally.
    In case of 'accidents'...
    The toilet is useful for that, yes. My own dogs wouldn't be likely to have an "accident" in the house, but because I take care of puppies sometimes, poop happens.
    Love it, this is a dream come true.
    Training goes best when it's bath time. :hearteyecat:
    Plus the honor of using these special tools and grooming table.
    Yippee ki-yay!
    I bought this dress yesterday and I love it so much!
    What is the fashion forecast? Thank you, l love green. I like soft green camflouge too. The belt is nice on your figure. Looks like straps for top part. Ballet flats would be cute but not practical for walking Enzo. Lol
    I had to buy bigger shorts for this summer. Oh well. I am still very comfortable with my body, and my weight is not affecting my health at all so I don't think it's a problem. I actually feel more confident now than I ever did when I had an eating disorder. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and colors, and it's actually what kind of person you are that really counts. Ugly on the inside is ugly on the outside too.
    Alright. Happy to read this. My weight can change, and l just accept it. I haven't completely cut sugar out, but my French fries habit is finally no longer in control. I do love pastries, but that seems fine once in awhile with a fancy latte.
    I went out with my friends and had so much fun!! And this frozen yogurt was amazing.
    That looks so yummy! I kinda wish I had some too, we don't even have ice cream in the house and it's 1:30 am, so chances of finding some seem slim :-(
    Aww, I hope you can get some tomorrow!
    I hope so! I have been looking online for anyone that sells it! I think I found somewhere that looks hopeful :-)
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